Chapter 11

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When the two pulled away, Minho looked at Thomas's shocked expression. He was worried he messed up. What if Thomas WASN'T talking about him?

Minho started running, having no idea where he was running to. He didn't stop running until he reached a park about a mile down the road from the school.

However, he knew he couldn't hide from Thomas forever. The boy was fast. There's no way he couldn't keep up with Minho. He collapsed on a bench beside a small pond and pulled his knees up to his face, letting stray tears fall from his eyes.

"What did I do?" He whispered over and over.

Thomas followed Minho to the park. He lost the boy once he turned into the park. Thomas slowed to a walk and began calling out Minho's name.

"Minho!!" Thomas yelled.

Minho heard him, but kept his head hidden in his knees. He wanted Thomas to hold him. To tell him he loved him. But it would never happen.

Thomas turned a corner and saw a figure on a bench. He seemed to be crying. Thomas didn't need anymore evidence that it was Minho.

He sat beside Minho.

"Minho, please. Talk to me. What's wrong?" Thomas asked, placing his hand on Minho's arm.

"Nothing, Thomas. It''s nothing," Minho lied.

Thomas obviously didn't believe him. There had to be something he could say to make the boy feel better.

"I-" Thomas was cut off.

"I'm sorry," Minho blurted out.

"Don't apologize. was nice," Thomas commented.

Minho looked up, his eyes bright red and puffy. He had a small smile on his face. Before Thomas could react, he felt Minho's arms wrap tightly around him. Thomas placed his head in the crook of Minho's neck, smiling in the hug.

"I was worried.... I thought I messed up back there. I was so scared, Thomas," Minho said.

Thomas rubbed Minho's back in a calming motion.

"It's okay," Thomas assured him. "I wanted to make the move, but I was too scared."

"Wait. We...can't be together. What if my family finds out?" Minho realized.

"Shh. It'll be okay. I promise. I'm not letting you give up on us because of them. You know we can make it work," Thomas assured him.

"But if they find out, I'm disowned! Or dead! Or disowned AND dead!" Minho worried.

Thomas knew the two could figure something out to keep it from Minho's family. He wouldn't let a homophobic family get in the way of him being with his crush. 

"We won't let them find out, Min Min. I promise," Thomas assured him. 

They hadn't pulled away from the hug. They figured people were giving them weird looks, but neither cared. They were both happy. Thomas knew he should formally ask the boy out.

"Minho, will you officially be my boyfriend?" Thomas asked when they pulled away. 

Both had a smile on their face. 

"Yes," Minho whispered. 

Thomas stood, pulling Minho by the wrist, and began running. He knew Minho wouldn't be okay kissing in a public area, knowing how worried he was about his family somehow finding out. They got to a hidden, forested area of the park, and Thomas leaned in. 

Their lips met and both Thomas and Minho felt sparks. It was right. This moment was perfect. Their mouths moved in sync, and they didn't worry about anything.  They were in their happy place. Sadly, the need for air interfered. 

The two pulled away and Thomas pulled Minho in for another hug before they jogged back to the school, considering Minho still had to drop Thomas off at his house. 

"Hey, so, would you be okay if I told my parents?" Thomas asked Minho. His face paled a little. "I promise, I'll have them not tell anyone."

Minho looked relieved. "Yeah, go ahead. Sorry, I'm just TERRIFIED to be dating a boy. Knowing how my family feels about it."

"Don't worry about it. Even if anything happens, we'll all have your back. Newt, myself, my family, we'll still have your back if you need anything," Thomas assured him. 

Once they arrived at Thomas's house, Thomas made sure no one was watching and hugged Minho, kissing his cheek secretly. 

"See you tomorrow," Minho whispered.

"See you then. We telling Newt?" Thomas replied. Minho nodded. 

Thomas got out of the car with a wide smile on his face. He then wiped it off, planning to play it cool until he and his parents sat down for dinner. Thomas walked in the front door to see his mom watching TV. 

"Hey, Thomas. Where have you been?" his mom asked. She didn't sound worried, that was a plus.

"Hanging with Minho at the park and stuff like that," Thomas replied. "Hey, so when we sit down for dinner, I have something to tell you and dad."

His mom said okay, and allowed Thomas to go to his room and work on homework. Once he was called downstairs, he planned what he would say in his head.

So, awhile back a few days into school I mentioned I had a crush on a boy but I didn't know if he was bi, gay, straight, what he was. Well I recently found out, but then I got with Teresa, then he got with Taylor. Then, I found out Teresa was cheating, and we ended that. Then Minho told me that he talked to his girlfriend and mentioned that he had feelings for one of his friends. She understood, and said that he could go with him, if the feelings were mutual. Well, I asked Minho about his crush, and he described him, and it sounded like me. Then, I told him about my crush, and he realized it was him. Then he pulled me into a hidden area of the track and we kissed and then he was worried that I WASN'T talking about him and he ran away, me following him. I found him crying in the park, told him I enjoyed it, asked him out, and we're official. But you can't say anything to his family, they're all HUGE homophobes.

"Well, that's not confusing at all," Thomas sarcastically said to himself. "I'll figure it out later."

Thomas walked down the stairs to find that his parents made spaghetti for dinner. Thomas got his plate, took it to the table, and sat down, waiting on his parents. 

"So, Thomas has some news," his mom began. "Thomas, care to explain?"

"Well, umm, so you guys knew that I have a crush on this boy at school. His name is Minho. Well, I told you that I didn't know if he was bi or gay or straight at the time. I found out overtime that he was, in fact, bi. So, I was hopeful. But then Teresa asked me out and I said yes, soon finding out that Minho asked out a girl named Taylor- she's cool too- and she said yes. I then found out eventually that Teresa was cheating, we got in a huge fight at lunch with Newt, Minho, and Tay helping me out, ending that relationship. At the track today, Minho told me that he had a conversation with his girlfriend. He told her that he had feelings for a friend of his. She then replied that she understood and it would be okay with her for Minho to ask him out, if he found out that he shared the same feelings Minho did. Well, I asked Minho about what his crush was like, and he basically described me. I then described my crush to him, because he asked about him. Well, he apparently realized I was talking about him. He pulled me to a hidden part of the track and we kissed. Minho thought I didn't like it, he ran away, I followed him, convinced him I liked it, asked him out, and now we're dating," Thomas rambled. 

Lucky for him, his parents understood, and they began congratulating him on it. 

"But, there's one problem. His parents, or any family member really, can NOT find out. They are huge homophobics, so in other words, Minho would PROBABLY be disowned or killed, if not both," Thomas added.

His parents understood, and told Thomas that he could tell Minho that if he needed anything, they would support him the whole way. 

After dinner, Thomas went to his room and got ready for bed. Before going to sleep, he got on his phone, went to messages, pulled up a conversation with Minho, and sent him three words. 

Thomas: I love you

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