Chapter 2

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Thomas tried not to stare, but he couldn't tear his eyes off of the sight in front of him. Was this the friend of Newt's? Thomas prayed it was.

The boy's muscles and abs were clearly visible, for he was wearing a somewhat tight tanktop. He had seemingly perfect jet black hair. He was smiling too. That smile. Thomas tried to hide a blush from looking at this boy.

"You Thomas?" The boy asked. His voice. Thomas was falling more and more. Ever heard of "love at first sight"? Well, Thomas was living in it. LITERALLY first sight. Thomas nodded. "I'm Minho. Have you met my buddy, Newt?"

Thomas nodded once more. The bell rang and the two started heading to class, which Newt shared with them.

"So, the school year just started, but we're kind of looking for some track boys. Based on how you ran in class, you seem like our type. Do you think maybe you would like to join?" Minho asked him. "Some may consider me the captain of the team. I'm not. Just the best." He followed that line with a smirk.

So he's good looking, fast, a real smartalic, anything else he's good at? They made a few jokes here and there up to class. When they walked in, Minho ran straight to Newt, gesturing for Thomas to follow. The three sat together, Thomas somehow in the middle.

Now Minho. Minho was one of the more popular boys. Girls were gushing all over him left and right. Most of the time, he either didn't care, ignored the fact, or tried to mess with their heads by winking at them or something. He never really dated many people at all.

Most said he was the most popular boy of the grade. That was a popular opinion. No one would expect him to instantly click with the new boy, but here the boys were. Some may consider them friends already, not just acquaintances.

Minho, like Thomas, also had a secret. He hasn't told ANYONE, even his parents. He too was worried of being judged for it. And besides. His parents were homophobic anyway. Why would he say anything to them?

Yes, that line gave it away. Minho, too, was in fact a part of the LGBT community. As a bi member. He, similar to Thomas, was afraid to tell anyone about it.

Minho wasn't entirely certain. But he felt something resonate inside him when he saw Thomas. He wasn't sure if it was a crush or just a close, ride or die friendship. Minho was the type who didn't have many crushes, so he didn't know if it was the right word to describe how he was feeling. Until he knew for sure, he planned to just lay low about it all.

Through class, Minho would make a sarcastic comment under his breath about the lesson, and Thomas had to really fight hide a snicker at him.

"That's Minho for you," Newt whispered after Minho's first smartalic remark. "Biggest bloody smartalic you have probably ever met. Any bigger, I would be amazed."

After class ended, the three waited until everyone had left. They had one more class, then school was out.

"Hey, so if we all want to get together tonight and just...get to know the greenie here, my place is available," Minho said while on his phone.

"Greenie??" Newt and Thomas questioned in sync.

Minho sighed. "Newbie, whatever you want to call him. I read it in a book one time and decided it sounded good. So now, I call most newbies greenies. Haven't really got the trend ENTIRELY out there yet."

They all shared a small laugh before running to class, Minho running a different direction than Thomas and Newt.

Timeskip- after school

After going to his locker, Thomas met Newt outside the school.

"Minho's out there at the track running. We'll wait for him then go to his place," Newt explained.

Thomas nodded and followed Newt over to the track. He had already texted his parents and confirmed with them the fact that he was going to Minho's after school. They were more than happy to hear that Thomas already had some friends- great friends at that.

Newt walked onto the bleachers to sit and wait, Thomas following behind. He was glancing around for Minho. Then he spotted the running boy, halfway through whatever lap this was. Thomas sat with Newt and waited on Minho to come back around.

He reached the starting line and slowed to a jog, jogging over to Thomas and Newt.

"Give me a couple more laps. Shouldn't take me more than 5 minutes, if that much," Minho said between breaths.

Thomas couldn't help himself but to think one thing. Minho looked really hot right now. In both ways. He was drenched in sweat from head to toe, but that honestly made him hotter, at least to Thomas.

He was too busy daydreaming about Minho to notice Newt talking to him.

"TOMMY!!" Newt yelled to get his attention.

Thomas shook his head to get out of his daze.

"That girl behind you keeps bloody staring at you," Newt simply said. "Thinking it's Teresa."

Thomas turned around and was met with a girl's gaze. Dark black hair and blue eyes. Staring at him. He whipped back around quickly, and not because of the girl's stare.

"You alright?" Newt asked, placing a hand on Thomas's shoulder.

Thomas nodded. Lie. The girl reminds him a lot of Brenda, which ended...never mind that. Thomas didn't even WANT to finish that thought. He just watched Minho run, in complete silence.

Timeskip- after Minho's laps

Minho whipped off his tanktop and put on another. Thomas couldn't help but more than likely blush seeing the boy's abs. Without Thomas's knowing, Newt happened to see Thomas blush when Minho had his shirt off. He smirked, planning to find out the truth by the end of the week.

"So, Tommy. You planning on joining track?" Newt suddenly mentioned.

Thomas honestly hadn't taken much time to think about it. There was one definite plus to joining track.

He could see Minho. After school. Every day.

"I plan to."

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