Chapter 5

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Thomas and Minho were playing video games when they heard the front door open. Thomas's parents were okay with Thomas staying at Minho's until late, and staying the night if his parents were okay with it.

"Parents are home. Come on," Minho stated before turning off his console.

Minho gestured for Thomas to follow him into the kitchen, where his parents had pizza sitting on the counter.

"Hey, mom. Hey, dad. This is Thomas. New kid. He's ALMOST as fast as me, can you believe that?" Minho introduced.

Wow...he does have a pretty big ego. Even with his family. It's really REALLY cute though!!

"That takes a lot, Thomas. I mean, not to be that kind of parent who's constantly bragging about their child, but it takes a lot to be that fast. He's been the fastest runner since...7th grade?" Minho's dad explained. Minho nodded in response.

"I've never seen him click with someone so quickly. It's your first day at the school, and Minho's already asking if you want to come over. He must really like you," Minho's mom said.

Thomas knew what she meant. His natural instinct told him to BELIEVE that she meant that Minho had a crush on Thomas. He was a little disappointed, only because she knew that she didn't mean it that way.

Minho, on the other hand, thought she found out he was bi. But how would she have known? And why wasn't she fuming if she did know?

I'm overreacting, Minho told himself in his head. But in reality, he could still only IMAGINE his face. Probably wide eyes, bright red. Luckily, no one was looking his direction. And he had his back facing the three, for he was getting pizza.

To break the tension between Thomas and Minho's parents, Minho pulled the slick,

"Hey Thomas! Aren't you hungry? Let's be normal teens and take our dinner to our rooms and play video games!"

Thomas internally rolled his eyes at Minho. Once Thomas got his food, Minho quickly pulled him by the wrist to his room.

"Smooth, buddy. Reeeaaal smooth," Thomas joked.

"Shut up," Minho sassed with a smile. "Anyway. Sorry about that. I was honestly afraid to be in there any longer. When they said 'he must really like you' I flipped. I could've sworn they found out I was bi. That's why I was so quick to get out of there. Sorry to make this awkward...."

Thomas understood completely. If his parents were homophobic, he would react the exact same way in this situation.

"You maybe want to spend the night?" Minho suddenly mentioned. Thomas was ECSTATIC that he even asked. But of course, he couldn't show it. "I have some clothes you could wear so you can just ride to school with me."

Thomas nodded with a slight smile, not showing how happy and excited he truly was. The two started talking about Thomas's old school, when a topic came up that hit Thomas hard.

"So. You have a girlfriend?" Minho asked. Thomas looked down and shook his head. "Sorry. What happened, if you don't mind sharing?"

Thomas hesitated. There was no way he wanted to relive the breakup again. But he trusted Minho.

"Basically, Brenda and I were going to go to the movies for my birthday. She was taking me. So we went. And she was acting different than normal. I mean, she was like, resting her head on my shoulder and everything, holding my hand, but she wasn't normal. The movie finished, so I asked her about it," Thomas began. Minho was snacking on his pizza as he listened to Thomas intently. "I asked her, 'Brenda, you feeling okay? You're acting strange.' and she didn't answer. I didn't bother pushing her. I just let her take her time to answer. We walked outside when she stopped me by grabbing my arm. Again- didn't push anything. She looked me dead in the eye, then down at the ground and spoke. 'I don't think we're fit for a relationship.'. I let her continue. She then said, 'I mean, we can't make each other happy forever. I just...I don't feel the same now as I did a year ago, Tom. I don't think I love you the way I did then.... We can still be friends if you want.'. I didn't have the heart to tell her I didn't want to be friends. But I realized that she didn't love me the way I loved her."

Thomas looked up at Minho, tears brimming in his eyes, blurring his vision entirely.

"You don't deserve that, Thomas. You deserve so much better than her," Minho assured him. "I really could hook you up with Taylor if you want."

Once again, Thomas denied. He didn't want to be with her. She was pretty, but he wanted to be with Minho. Thomas knew he shouldn't get his hopes up though.

The two played video games until around 11, when they decided to go to bed. Both of them avoided the topic of Brenda for the rest of the night.

Timeskip- school

Thomas and Minho walked into school, cracking jokes the entire time. A lot of people stared at Thomas making jokes with Minho. They didn't know how Minho clicked with him instantly.

"Alright, well, I've gotta go. See you in gym, Thomas," Minho said with a smile, patting Thomas on the back.

Thomas smiled back, running to his locker before first period.

He ran into class legitimately 5 seconds before the tardy bell rang. Newt smirked at Thomas from his seat. Thomas walked back and sat down, ignoring Newt's snickering.

"Shut up, Newt," Thomas quietly joked.

"Why'd you show up so late? Miiinho?" Newt teased.

Thomas tried to keep a blush contained, but it probably didn't work well, considering the consistent snickering and smirking from Newt.

"After class, I need to talk to you about that shank. Minho I mean."

Thomas just simply nodded. Class was somewhat fun. For his second day, he had a surprising amount of homework. The two walked out of class, Newt quietly complaining about the homework.

"So, we have homework day one. Day two, and we have a load of it! This is absolute klunk!" He complained.

Thomas agreed, but stayed quiet until Newt changed the subject. After his rant, he grabbed Thomas's arm, stopping him.

"So...Minho. The shank he is.... He's a cool guy. And when we were over there at the track watching him run, I saw something," Newt began. "You started blushing like MAD when he took his shirt off. So I have a suspicion. Do you like Minho, Tommy?"

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