2. Compulsion Games

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Nothing But Thieves - Trip Switch

"Making waves through the universe
Starting wars with anonymous brothers."

IT WAS AN EARLY morning in Mystic Falls when Zach knocked on Holden room's door and walked in. He found his great-uncle doing pull ups with no T-shirt on. "Aren't you dead?" Zach questioned curiously. "Your body doesn't change..."

Holden chuckled slightly then jumped down onto the ground and looked at Zach. "Hello to you too, Zach," he greeted and put on a shirt. "My body doesn't change, you're right about that, but it doesn't mean I can't do sports."

"I was just teasing," Zach crossed his arms under his chest with a smile. "How was your trip?"

Holden shrugged dully. "Pretty good. You told me to come, so I did. Is there something else you want me to do?" he asked. Zach and Holden had a pretty good relationship when it came to human-vampire thing. The human knew that Holden was good at control and that he was stronger than Stefan when it came to dealing with a psychopath like Damon.

"Stefan asked me to tell you that he'll..." Zach then paused, knowing that Damon may have been inside.

Holden sat down and poured himself a glass of bourbon. He he motioned for Zach to say whatever he had to say. "Damon's not in the house if that's what you're worried about," Holden said taking a sip. "He left a few minutes ago," the vampire mused pointing to his ear.

Zachary nodded his head. "Stefan wants to compel Vicki Donovan to forget that Damon attacked her--"

"--And you want me to do that, because Stefan and hospitals aren't a very good thing," Holden finished then stood up. "Fine. I'll go there."

"Thank you," Zach smiled and watched Holden leave his room.

IN THE HOSPITAL, Matt Donovan was in his sister's ward when she woke up with alarm. "Whoa!" Matt exclaimed seeing her move around in bed frantically. "Vicki, Vicki, hey, it's Matt. Hey, what's wrong?" he asked her with a concerned look.

"No! No!" Vicki began to yell bewildered. "Get off! No! No! No!" she yelled covering her face.

"Nurse!" Matt ran out through the door and went to look for a doctor.

Then Holden entered quickly and removed her hands from her face. Vicki looked at him. "It was an animal that attacked you. You got lost and it jumped on you. You blacked out. It's all you remember," he compelled as she stared at him.

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