5. Stolen Looks

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The Neighborhood - Daddy Issues

"Take you like a drug
I taste you on my tongue
You ask me what I'm thinking about
I'll tell you that I'm thinking about."

HOLDEN WAS FURIOUS AFTER HE FOUND OUT DAMON ATTACKED MASON RIGHT AFTER THEY MADE A DEAL ABOUT BEING AT PEACE. So, the middle Salvatore attended the Mystic Falls Historical Society Volunteer Day to talk to Mason.

He walked over to the werewolf, who removed boxes from his trunk. "What do you want?" Mason asked, glancing at Holden.

"Offering an apology," he answered seriously but Mason just scoffed with a laugh.

"Not interested," he mused dully and Holden clenched his jaw, knowing how idiotically Damon screwed up.

"My brother acted impulsively," Holden continued and Mason looked around the park before looking back at Holden. "You two are fighting like some dumb alpha males."

Mason just raised his eyebrow. "And if you keep at each others throats, somebody's gonna get hurt. And you have a family here, do you want that?" Holden asked once again causing Mason to glare at the Salvatore.

"We made the same deal last night," the werewolf spat angrily. "But your brother turned it down with a knife."

Holden sighed deeply. "Well, he's an idiot. Look, I'm here to make sure that neither one of you make another one," he said as Mason watched him talk without any hint of satisfaction.

Mason inched closer to a taller vampire then pursed his lips. "Tell your brother to watch his back," he started to walk away but Holden caught his arm.

"Well then, I guess he has to be careful during a full moon," he said lowly causing Mason to look at him with narrowed eyes. "Or is it me you're targeting? Let me tell you something, Lockwood, you are not stronger than us in the daylight. Because Damon would've been dead already. There's one of you and there's three of us. You're the one, who needs to watch his back."

Mason thought it over then mused furiously. "If he comes at me--"

"I'll make sure he won't," Holden cut him off then extended his hand for Mason to shake. "This time it will be different."

They finally shook hands. Mason grabbed a box and walked away. Holden felt presence behind him and rolled his eyes. "What are you doing?" Damon asked suspiciously as his eyes bore into Holden's back.

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