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Sleeping At Last - Already Gone

"I didn't want us to burn out, I
I didn't come here to hurt you, now I can't stop."

A SMALL FIRE WAS SPREADING QUICKLY IN THE BOWL THAT HOLDEN PLACED ON THE TABLE. Melanie's picture burned inside, getting rid of something he thought would never pass, and it wouldn't. But he just tried to move on further with his life.

Everything with Elena was still weird and Holden decided to talk to her. But before that he had to ruin Melanie's picture, just to get rid of his past life. "Holden," Stefan walked into his brother's room, looking for Elena, who had disappeared suddenly. Stefan paused when he saw the burning picture. "What are you doing?"

"Getting rid of what held me back for 145 years," he mused watching the picture turn into ashes, something that oddly enough felt good and releasing.

Stefan knew some of it had to do with Elena, but behind that he felt proud of his brother finally moving on, even if it was his girlfriend. "Oh, I just thought Elena was here... She came to talk to you so I thought she might still be here," Stefan said, a small frown appearing on his face as Holden knew it didn't mean anything good.

"She did come, and then left the room," Holden told his baby brother before raising his eyebrow. "Maybe she's with Damon, or wait? They hate each other, so I don't know."

Stefan felt surprised by such sarcastic snap before he left the room. Holden sighed as he thought of Ella. It was still fresh. Her death, and what hurt the most was that he spent so much time avoiding her, making her feel like he did love her, when in reality he was playing her, just like Damon played Andie, maybe even worse.

When the picture of his beloved one turned into ashes, Holden poured some water into the bowl before leaving his room. He found Damon and Stefan, who had his phone in his hand, in the parlor. "What happened?" Holden asked weirdly while descending the stairs.

Damon just rolled his eyes. "You might want to check your hearing abilities, Holdie. Elena is gone with Elijah," when he said those words Holden immediately looked at Stefan.

"What do you mean gone?"

"She took the dagger out and they left. We don't know where," Stefan answered with a brooding face. "She just hung up on me."

Damon just groaned lowly. He didn't like Elena undaggering Elijah, who was dangerous to everyone. "Your girlfriend's lost it," he snapped at Stefan, who glared back at him.

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