21. The Damsel And Her Men

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Lucy Rose - Shiver

"And I loved the way you looked at me
And I miss the way you made me feel
When we were alone."

IT HAPPENED SPONTANEOUSLY. Holden decided to go for a nightly walk when he met Jade.

And everything ended up in her motel room. Holden opened his eyes with a slight groan and saw Jade sleeping next to him peacefully. He furrowed his eyebrows then remembered the night and lied back in bed.

Holden was walking around, thinking about Elena, Stefan, even Damon when he heard someone behind him. "I prefer for you to run," he sneered, already knowing that someone was following him for the whole hour since he left his house.

Holden turned around and saw Jade standing there with a small smile. "Well, then I prefer for you to catch me," she commented amused.

He mused and looked around. "I thought you were gone," he said, his look coming back to her blue eyes that sparkled in the dim light. "I was searching for you."

"Were you now?" she questioned walking closer to him and Holden had to admit that he knew what she wanted. And for the record he wanted it too. "Maybe I was hiding..."

"Who are you?" he asked curiously and Jade walked even closer towards him. They were staring at each other. "I don't know anything, but your name and that you're a vampire."

"Wait," Jade shrugged slightly and Holden raised his eyebrow up, telling her that he wasn't gonna do that. "All you need to do is wait."

Before Holden could argue, Jade kissed him passionately and he let her. His hands were soon on her waist and he pushed her towards a random wall. "Fine," he growled lowly and she smirked before they both rushed away from the street.

Holden sighed and turned his head towards Jade, who was sleeping bare next to him, her hand on his chest.

His phone then rang causing Jade to wake up and smile at Holden. "Don't pick up," she mused still half asleep and Holden looked at who was calling him.

Elena. Holden looked back at Jade and sat up in bed, causing the covers to slip off slightly and Jade to smirk at him. "Hello," he cleared his sleepy voice.

Jade just sighed and rolled onto another side as he stared at her slightly exposed body. "Oh, were you sleeping?" Elena asked him curiously, noticing the rusty yet sexy morning voice.

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