21. The Sacrifise

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Tom Odell - Heal

"Take my mind
And take my pain
Like an empty bottle takes the rain
And heal, heal, heal, heal."

TYLER, WHO WAS STILL IN THE WOLF FORM GROWLED AT THE THREE WHO WERE STILL ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE GATE. Holden was still holding the gate shut with Caroline as Matt watched. "Caroline, Holden, let me help!" the human boy shouted as Holden groaned.

"Get back, we got it!" Caroline shouted back as Tyler jumped on the gate, fitting his snout through the bars of the gap and snapped his teeth. Caroline flinched but didn't back away. Matt just aimed the rifle at the werewolf as Tyler backed away and tried to attack the gates again.

"Caroline, the door's not going to hold," Matt backed away while continuing to point the gun at Tyler. "Come on, Holden's hurt!"

"Tyler, please!" Caroline pleaded but Tyler didn't hear that as he didn't let up on his attack. Matt, having enough, shot Tyler, who just yelped in pain and backed away. Matt shot again as Holden looked at the human boy in bewilderment. "Matt! No, hey, no! It's Tyler!"

"It's trying to kill us!" he wanted to shoot again but Caroline stopped him.

"Wait!" she then looked back to see Tyler lying on the ground, panting heavily. "He's wounded."

She wanted to reach him but Holden grabbed her wrist. "Stay back, Caroline," he told her seriously. The blonde girl didn't listen as she started to unlock the gate.

"We can go around him," she looked at the Salvatore, who pursed his lips then nodded his head.

"Are you two nuts?" Matt looked in between them with wide and scared eyes. Holden just shrugged as Caroline looked at the boy.

"You're not going to shoot him again, okay?" Caroline ordered sternly. "Matt, take my hand," she said extending her hand towards Matt as Holden opened the gate and walked out. Caroline did too.

Matt didn't let go of his hold of the rifle as he shook his head. "I got it," he declined.

Caroline looked back at Holden and Tyler. "Just take her hand," Holden snapped, seeing how Tyler was getting better slightly. Time was ticking and they had no time for Matt's hero attempts.

The human boy finally complied and placed the rifle over his shoulder. He took Caroline's hand and they all vamp-sped out of the cellar.

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