22. Last Kiss Before I Go

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The Irrepressibles - In This Shirt

"On the wind
I could hear you
Call my name
Held the sounds."

HOLDEN STARED AT HIS GROWING BITE AND LOOKED UP TO SEE STEFAN. "I... I locked Damon in the cellar," the youngest brother mused sadly. "He tried to burn himself in the sun. I came to check on you."

Holden just nodded his head turning around as he stared at Stefan with a nod. "I'm fine, I don't feel that bad," he lied and Stefan saw that as he frowned deeply, still feeling distressed.

"You're not, Holden," Stefan took a step further as he saw the pale face of Holden's, dark skin under his eyes and dry lips.

"I'm fine, father!" Holden yelled seriously causing Stefan to sigh. He knew Holden was seeing their father, not Stefan. "And it's your fault, you know."

"Holden, it's me, Stefan," he said causing Holden to blink a few times. His father disappeared as he saw Stefan looking at him with concerned eyes.

"Stefan?" he asked in confusion before shaking his head as he groaned. It was unbearable, the pain. It grew and grew with every passing second and Holden just wanted to die. "I just... I saw."

"Yeah," Stefan nodded back and started to approach Holden slowly, but Holden just took a step back. "Let me help you, brother. Just go and rest."

"I'm fine," Holden mused looking down as the room started to spin. He couldn't see very well and blinked again. "It's just... I see things right now. I am dying after all."

Stefan just shook his head desperately before gripping Holden's shoulders. "I'm not letting you or Damon die, Holden. Bonnie is looking for a way."

"Don't involve Bonnie!" he then pushed Stefan to a wall with his vampire speed. "Do not use her or Elena! They can't know!"

"Holden!" Stefan shouted causing Holden to push him to the ground and leave the house with vampire speed. Stefan quickly stood up and frowned.

IT WAS LATE OUTSIDE AS HOLDEN WAS WALKING THROUGH THE TOWN SQUARE WHERE THE MOVIE NIGHT WAS HAPPENING. Holden saw Elena, Caroline and Jeremy all sitting on blankets, ready to watch a movie.

Elena noticed him and furrowed her eyebrows before he motioned her to come. "I'll be right back, guys," she told them, but they didn't seem to be hearing her. The Gilbert girl just stood up and quickly approached a sick looking Holden. "What happened?"

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