20. Sharing Secrets

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MS MR - All The Things Lost

"Spent your life collecting so you can never forget
Treasured moments become lost treasures when you can't recollect
Everyone keeps asking are we okay
The truth is we're not but I don't know what to say."


"STEFAN, WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" Holden shouted as he looked around to see men dragging unconscious people into the church.

Stefan noticed Damon then looked back at Holden. "I want you to run, Holden. Please," Stefan quickly said with worried eyes. He didn't want to leave Holden alone, but also wanted to help Damon free Katherine.

"What?! No!" Holden shook his head as if something was happening to him. He just couldn't leave Stefan alone. "Damon, tell me what is going on!"

"I promise I'll tell you after you help us save Katherine," Damon suggested urgently but Stefan disagreed to that.

"No, Damon, don't put him--"

"Alright," Holden nodded his head determined as his older brother smirked slightly. Stefan sighed then joined them.

He began telling his older brothers his plan. "Circle around that way. I'll distract them. Holden, help Damon," Stefan then ran to a group of men. "Over here!" he shouted.

Damon noticed Holden's face. "It's time to be brave, little brother. Okay?" he asked with concerned eyes. Holden stared back at him then nodded his head.

They saw men follow Stefan with only one man standing guard over the carriage containing the vampires. Damon hit him, thus knocking him out.

Stefan returned quickly as Holden stared at people with muzzles on their faces. "We don't have long," Stefan breathed out as Holden moved to stand next to him.

"Katherine," Damon saw her snd the two brothers lifted her out of the carriage. "Katherine," he said in concern.

They untied her and took off the muzzle. "Who would do such thing to these people?" Holden asked them in shock. He wasn't a believer in slavery, but these people weren't slaves, especially not Katherine.

"They're vampires," Damon told him when suddenly he got shot in the chest causing the younger brothers to lose their mind.

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