14. Crazy Ex, Everyone!

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Matt Maeson - Tribulation

"So run away from me
Run as far as your
Dark brown eyes can see
Just as soon as you know."

ELLA WAS HOLDEN'S FLING. He was dumb enough to get seduced by her and when time was right, she asked him to turn her. Holden didn't but somehow Ella got turned.

He promised to never ever see her again, but she found him and was standing in front of him. "You have to leave," Holden stated coldly, causing Ella to roll her eyes dully and walk closer.

Holden took a step back. Ella was the craziest girl he had ever met and he didn't want anything to do with her. She once drugged him, and took his blood, thinking that she would turn into a vampire. Thank God, Holden stopped her and compelled her to leave. She did for a while until someone turned her into a vampire. "Come on, Holden, it's been how many years?" Ella questioned as she gazed at Holden like she always used to.

The Middle Salvatore brother just grimaced. "Three years, I think," he mused dully as he tried walking past her but she touched his neck. "Don't."

Ella just sighed and raised her hands letting him walk over to the drinks. "I like your house," Ella smiled, trying to sound cheerful. Holden poured himself some bourbon and downed it whole in one shot. "Where are your brothers?"

"No, uh-uh," Holden shook his head as he glared at her. "You do not go after my brothers now, Ella," he sneered causing Ella to smirk and bite her lower lip.

"Are you jealous?" Ella smiled, liking his reaction.

Holden laughed angrily as he downed yet another glass of bourbon. "No, I'm not. I'm just scared for my brothers," he commented. If Holden felt respect for women, Ella was the exception. She was crazy, maniacal, and almost got Holden killed. And now she was double that since she was a vampire. "How did you find me?"

"Izzie," Ella answered as she started lazily walking towards Holden, who gave her a threatening look to stop. "Relax, I didn't do anything to her. She used to be my friend."

Holden tilted his head to a side. "A friend you almost killed in cold blood," he snapped and Ella sighed deeply placing her hands on Holden's shoulders.

He hated how she always had an affect on him. How she could just make him weak whenever she touched him. Holden continued to remind himself that Ella was crazy, and that he loved Elena. "A friend I apologized to thousand of times," Ella whispered kissing his lips.

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