11. Lock Your House

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Jack Garratt - Worry

"Pick apart the pieces you left
Don't you worry about it, don't you worry about it
Try and give yourself some rest
And let me worry about it, let me worry about it."

"LOOK WHAT I GOT," Holden smirked at Stefan as he stood at the entrance of the tomb. The younger brother saw a blood bag and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Damon already brought me one," Stefan clarified as Katherine stood near him, looking hungry.

Holden glanced at the Pierce then grinned mockingly. "Hello, love. You look miserable," he commented as she rolled her brown eyes.

"You're in good mood today, Holden," she mused looking at the blood bag, ready to snatch it and drink.

The Middle Salvatore just pursed his lips and nodded his head. He then threw Stefan the blood bag. Stefan caught it and glanced at Katherine warily. "Don't worry, Stefan, it's not long till we get you out," Holden commented in amusement, though it was sent Katherine's way.

"I sure hope so," Stefan grumbled as he got his time with Katherine plenty. "Damon told me you and him had Elena trapped in her house."

"Which is dumb," Katherine added with a pouty face as Holden rolled his eyes, before focusing on Stefan.

"It'll be safer for her, she's too much of a..." Holden paused as he noticed Stefan's face. "Never mind, all I know it that she will be much safer inside, where no Klaus can get her," he commented pulling himself off of the wall.

"I kind of like it in here," Katherine commented as Stefan sighed deeply.

Holden's phone started to beep as he looked at his trapped younger brother. "Don't worry. Soon," he commented then walked out of the tomb.

The phone didn't stop ringing as Holden saw that his other, free brother was calling. "What?" Holden asked in annoyance then looked around the woods.

"Mason is declared as officially missing," Damon broke the news with a sneer causing Holden to pause in confusion.

"How?" he questioned moving to walk. He heard Damon groan and rolled his eyes, walking through the woods.

"Some mystery girl barged into town and is trying to find him," the oldest brother sneered in perplexity. They had so many problems and didn't have time for old problems. "Ric and I are at the Mystic Grill. You go to Elena and guard her or whatever."

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