12. Nasty Bites

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X Ambassadors - Torches

"Bring on your forces of nature
Bring on the storm that's raging
And if you get lost in the shadows
There's a fire inside you
Be the light that guides you."

HOLDEN NEVER THOUGHT WEREWOLVES EXISTED. Especially before he got turned into a vampire. It was weird. Rose got bit and she kept getting worse and worse, not being able to do anything about it.

The Middle Salvatore saw how Damon tried not to care but that was a lie. And everyone knew that. When Holden walked into the parlor he found the girl there, lying on a couch, looking really sick.

Holden frowned slightly and sat down on the couch's arm before glancing at her. "How are you doing?" he asked curiously. They weren't close but Holden never meant bad to anyone, who didn't do something bad.

Rose glanced up at Holden and smiled sentimentally. "I was born in 1450, that makes me 560 years old," she commented as Damon strolled into the room, looking worried, yet bitter.

"Well, if you were a bottle of wine..." the older Salvatore attempted to joke as Holden shook his head with a sigh.

The sick female saw that and smiled before shooting Damon a look. "So I can die. I've lived long enough," she finished her sentence.

"You know, if you're gonna be morn, I'm just gonna kill you myself just to put me out of your misery," Damon grumbled pouring blood from the bag into a glass.

Holden just looked at Rose. "Whatever happens, it'll be okay," he tried to reassure her, even though all three of them knew that it wouldn't.

"Just a little, fatal to vampires werewolf bite," Rose let out a soft chuckle as Holden saw how sad Damon looked in that moment. He liked Rose, and wasn't playing with her like he did with other women, and that surprised Holden.

"Well, according to a legend which is notoriously unreliable source," Damon then walked over to her and handed her the glass. "Drink up. Blood heals."

Rose drank a little then nodded her head. "Yeah, it does feel like it's working."

"Let's have a look," Damon told her and she moved in her spot. "Come on. Let us see."

The brothers looked down at the mark, which had progressed even more, and it was definitely getting worse.

The bite mark had spread throughout her back. "How bad is it?" Rose asked, not being able to see it.

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