15. Bachelors In Paradise

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X Ambassadors - Unsteady

"Hold on to me
'Cause I'm a little unsteady."

HOLDEN WAS STANDING IN FRONT OF SHEILA'S GRAVE WITH WHITE LILIES IN HIS HAND. He placed them down with a sad look on his face.

Sheila died because of the magic overuse. Bonnie was heartbroken and left the city for a while to deal with the loss of her practical mother.

Holden felt guilty, because if not Damon's threats and need to open up that tomb, only to find out that Katherine was never there,  none of this would've happened. Sheila would still be alive and he wouldn't feel responsible for it. "You knew her before, right?" he heard Stefan's voice and turned to his brother.

"Yes," Holden nodded his head, feeling upset. "She was my friend in the late 60's. Sad that I didn't reconnect with her more. She didn't deserve that."

"I know," Stefan whispered while letting out a breath. "Did you know that Elena's adopted?"

Holden furrowed his eyebrows and glanced at Stefan. "She is?"

Stefan knew it would bring some interest to Holden, and he didn't quite like that. It was weird to Stefan at how great Elena got along with his brother. "I think Alaric's wife is Elena's biological mother," he said and Holden raised his eyebrows. "This also might have a connection as to why she looks like Katherine."

"About time," Holden sighed as he approached his brother and patted his shoulder. "When you know something, tell me, because right now all I wanna do is drink, Stefan. Bye," he then walked away and Stefan smiled a little.

DAMON WAS CLEANING UP HIS MESS WHEN HOLDEN WALKED IN. He furrowed his eyebrows and stopped to watch his older brother. "You don't have to look at me like that," Damon commented in a grumble then turned back to Holden as he picked up an empty bottle.

"I know," Holden agreed as he walked over to the bourbon and poured himself a glass. Damon glanced at him warily. "Hey, does this have blood in it?" he asked after taking a sip of the bourbon.

Damon smirked dully. "It might," he answered so Holden shrugged and continued to drink.

"What are you doing tonight?" Holden then asked causing Damon to gape at him.

"Where is my overly - moody baby brother?" he questioned and Holden glared at him, telling him that that wasn't funny one bit. "Why you asking?"

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