TH// Co-star crossed lovers

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Hey! Can you write one about Tom and (y/n)? They are both cast in the Spider-Man movie and have feeling for each other? Thanks!
Requested by Booklovr6
Note: Y/C/N is Your character's name

"Ugh!" Y/N groans as she slams the script back on the table in her trailer. This scene is going to be impossible to perform! In the scene, she and Tom have a dialogue that ends with them kissing and she's scared of him thinking that it's weird and gross. Well, he's a professional actor, he won't do that, she thinks. But on the other hand, there's her huge crush on him to worry about. A knock on her trailer's door pulls her from the thought. She's surprised to see Tom on the other side. "Hey Y/N", he smiles, "I need some help with the next scene, can we go through it together?" Ecstatic and a bit frightened, she lets out an "mm-hmm" and opens the door wider as he walks in. "I feel like I need to act it out to really understand the emotion, ya know?" He asks. "I was just thinking the sa- yeah let's get started." Y/N says a bit flustered. They start, her sitting and Tom standing. "I'm gonna start here, okay?" He points to the middle of the scene in the script. She nods. "Why do you do this to yourself?!" She exclaims, looking at his "wounds". "Y/C/N please, this is my life's purpose! I'm not an Avenger for fun, this is what I'm meant to do." He looks down, tearing up. She exhales and says ,"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. It's just that I hate to see you hurt and I love you and care abou-" his head shoots up, "What?? You love me?" He almost whispers the second part. "Well like a friend... who I love. So yeah, I guess I love you." Y/N says slowly. "I love you too." She glances at her script and her heart beats faster as she reads Y/C/N stands up and kisses Peter passionately. Y/N stands quickly and walks towards Tom and as his lips meet hers it feels like magic. His lips fit hers perfectly and their tongues swirl together like they were meant to be that way. Soon they're laying on the couch and they pull away, breathless. "You know, I actually do love you Y/N." Tom confesses. "I love you too, Tom." She says. Just as their about to kiss again, there's a knock on the door and Jacob yells ,"Y/N it's almost time, get to set" She looks at Tom, "Calm down, I'm on my way" she giggles. Just as she stands up she hears "Also, do you know where Tom is?"

I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! You can always leave requests on the first page✨

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