TH// (almost) Date Night part 2

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"You know me best, Tom Holland."
He gave me a hug.
"Soo... about that movie night?"
"I'd love to."
Note: Y/F/D is "Your favorite drink"
Warning: Feelings!!

After a Star Wars screening and making it through three Harry Potter movies, Tom fell asleep on the couch and I went to bed.
My eyes shot open.
"ah god, it's so bright. What the fuck." I rubbed my eyes and checked the time on my phone
Welp, no use going back to bed with the sun glaring at me like this. As I left my room, I made the mistake of looking in the mirror.
"Mirror mirror on the wall, I'm not the fairest of them all." I chuckled to myself and saw Tom still sleeping on my living room couch. He groaned and turned over. Aww he's dreaming, I thought to myself. Gotta wake him up. With a running start, I land on top of him giggling wildly like a 5 year old.
"Aww what the hell?" He muttered, running a hand through his hair.
"Oh, hey Y/N" he smiled.
"Hey, I was thinking, wanna go to the cafe for breakfast?"
"Sure, I just gotta grab some fresh clothes from my apartment."
"And you can buy as many quacksons as you want!" I shouted as he rolled his eyes and closed the door.

*********Time skip ***********

After my shower, I get dressed and put my hair in a messy bun (#basicbeh) and find Tom (looking like pic above) scrolling on his phone. After admiring for a few seconds I cleared my throat.
"Let's get this show on the road."

*le Spongebob narrator voice* a few moments later

We ended up going to a new hole-in-the-wall cafe in downtown LA. Since it was so new, we figured Tom wouldn't be recognized here. Once we glazed over the menu, we decided: I would get Y/F/D and a brownie, Tom will get a quackson and a latte.
"Here Tom, you get a table and I'll order."
I walked up to the cashier. Damn, this guy's serving my food and his looks.
"Hi, I'll have Y/F/D, a brownie, a quac- croissant, and a latte please." I eyed his name-tag.
"Y/F/D, nice choice," his chuckle was a sound from heaven," that'll be $10.50."
"What name should I write on this cup?"
"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." I blushed and thanked him.
After handing him the money I waited for the order.
"Y/N!" He called. I grabbed the order and noticed he put his number on the receipt.
"Don't be afraid to use it," he winked and left.
Walking towards the table, I couldn't keep the smile off my face. And Tom noticed.
"Why so smiley?"
"Oh, the cashier up there gave me his number." I giggled looking down.
"Was he bothering you? Because he really shouldn't hit on girls like you."
"Girls like me?" My voice rose more than I meant.
He shifted in his seat,"I mean gorgeous girls who could have a boyfriend. He didn't even ask if I was your boyfriend. Want me to go tell him off?"
"Tom where is all this coming from?!" I questioned.
Looking down as he twiddled his thumbs he said," Look, Y/N, I've like you for as long as I can remember. Ever since I first saw you I thought there was no one else in the world who cod compare to your perfection, and becoming friends with you only confirmed it." He brought his eyes up to yours, "I understand if you don't feel the same." I didn't know what to say. I thought he didn't like me back, that's why I've been trying to meet new people. He's jealous?
"This was a mistake." He took off without his food and drink.
"Tom wait!" I ran after him down the street. I didn't care if I looked like a crazy lunatic, I didn't care if people recognized us. All I cared about was Tom. He ran into a secluded alley and I followed.
"Tom!!" He turned around. We were both crying.
"I love you!" I ran up, grabbed his face and kissed him. Our lips crashed together and everything felt better. Everything around us faded away and nothing mattered anymore. It was just us. Pulling away breathlessly, he rested his forehead against mine.
"It's always been you," I whispered.
"I love you too."

OH MY GOD THE FEELS!! Tell me what you guys think of this and what else you want me to write! Happy reading💭✨

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