TH // Depression

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Which Tom Holland mood are you today? Currently I am the 1st one because I JUST started my AP World History Summer Assignment and it's due next Friday and I hate myself👍🏽

Reader is depressed, because she feels like everything she does is wrong and pointless and Tom just being a supportive loving cupcake who hugs and tickles her and talks her sadness away saying that the time they spent together makes him happy for months

Requested by fluffybi

If you could describe your depression, it would be a dark cloud surrounding you and blocking out all light and happiness. The pressure in your chest your anxiety gives you when you forget how to breathe accompanies it. Sometimes you feel numb. Other times you could cry for hours and hours on end. You never knew why. Those little happy pills never completely helped either. But when Tom was here, home with you, the dark cloud diminished. He is the light of your life. No one can make you smiled like he can. Nothing can make you smiled like he can.

You sat up in bed, your Y/H/C hair sticking up in all different directions. Bags under your eyes that were puffy from a night full of crying and no sleep. You heard his soft humming from the kitchen and the smell of bacon. Something inside you felt different. It felt..... happy. A smile appeared on your face as you ran into the kitchen like a little kid on Christmas morning. Your heart fluttered when you first saw him. He put the pancakes and bacon on two plates and turned around. His face lit up when he saw you.
"Y/N!" You ran to him and jumped up, wrapping your legs around his waist as you hugged him, breathing in his sweet scent.
"I missed you so much, darling," he spoke into the side of your neck while trailing kisses to your lips. Those lips. With their soft yet passionate kisses that left you breathless. You pulled away and looked at his face. His face dropped a little bit when he noticed your puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks.
"Love, were you sad again?" His voice was coated with worry. He knew you hated the word "depressed" so you two just called it "sad..... again". It makes the problem feel smaller. Less effective.
"How was your flight in last night?" You asked, avoiding his question.
"It would've been better with you," he admitted, holding your hands, his fingers tracing over your old scars on your wrists. When you looked into his eyes you felt the need to be truthful.
"Yes I was sad again." You let out a tear.
"I just feel so alone when you're gone. You're the only one who can keep me grounded." You cleared your throat, trying to get rid of the sad sounds that left you.
"Y/N," You looked up at him. "I hate being away from you too. I hate to see you this way. But I'm here now. And whenever I am gone, I'm always thinking of you. I love you." Your chest felt warm when he hugged you again. Safe. That's how you feel in his arms. He pulled away and kissed your cheek.
"What do you say about a pancake breakfast and watching TV all day?" His eyes brightened with delight.
"I say what are we waiting for?" You and Tom spent the rest of the day having TV and movie marathons and cuddles mixed with tickle fights.

This isn't my best, I know, but hope you liked it and you can always request more✨

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