TH // You never asked // SMUT

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This is not a request I'm just writing it for fun

Apartment 31A
This is it. Tom's apartment. You were his second assistant on set for Spiderman: Homecoming, and even though it was over, Tom wanted to hang out with you so here you are. After knocking, you heard barking and footsteps. Tom opened the door with a big smile, but he was missing something else... a shirt.
"Y/N! Come on in!" Saying you had a crush on Tom was an understatement. Haz always tried to drop hints that Tom felt the same about you, but that seems to good to be true.
"Saved you a seat." He patted the cushion next to him on the couch. Cautiously, you say down. You had hung out before, but it was always with Haz or the others upset. Never alone, never like this. You guys had put in the movie Titanic. You hadn't seen it in a while and Tom offered.

****time skip****
You remembered why you hadn't seen Titanic in a while, it was a slow moving movie which means... it's boring at times. Like now. "Shut up!" You giggled, throwing popcorn at Tom, which he caught with his mouth.
"Show off." You muttered.
"Umm, excuse me, what was that?" He leaned over to tickle you.
"Ahh! Tom stop!" Your laughing slowed down as he stopped. Suddenly aware of how he was lying on top of you, you became embarrassed and looked away to the TV. To your luck, it was Rose and Jack's sex scene in the car. Tom's breathing became shallow and he abruptly sat up, pulling you onto his lap, and he kissed you. You wanted to pull away. This is wrong. I'm his assistant. I can't kiss my boss! But you couldn't seem to bring yourself to separate yourself from him. His touch was electrifying. Hiking up your skirt, his hands moved to your butt. You gasped in delight and tugged softly on the little curls at the nape of his neck. His moan made you even wetter than before. He pulled away breathless, turned you around and sat you on the couch. In one swift movement your skirt was on the floor, along with your shirt and panties. Wasting no time at all, he dipped his head down to your clit and attached his lips. Immediately, you tangled both hands into his hair.
"Tooomm" Your moan was erotic to his ears as he slipped two fingers into you.
Not lasting long you came onto his fingers and he lapped up your satisfying mess. He brought his face to yours.
"You taste even better than I've imagined" You cupped his face in your hands and gave him your most passionate kiss. He tried to bring your face back to his as you pulled away, but you had another idea. You took his fingers that he hadn't bothered to clean up yet, and slowly brought them up to your plump lips and began sucking them. Tom's moan was pornographic as he watched you taste yourself off him. You took of your shirt along with his, and lead him into his bedroom. He smiled with excitement as you kneeled into front of him. His sweatpants hung loosely from his hips as palmed the prominent tent that had built up in them. Impatient Tom removed his pants and boxers and you ogled him as it sprung free. You followed your instinct and wrapped your hand around the base, pumping him slowly.
He threw his head back trying to steady his breathing. Then you put your lips around the tip and swirled your tongue.
He moaned loudly and bucked his hips into you, accidentally going all the way. You stayed there deep throating him and looked up at him through your lashes. Some pink color had been placed upon his cheeks as you brought him closer to the edge.
"Y/N," he whined as you removed yourself from him.
"Don't worry Tom, I'm on the pill. I want you to cum, inside me." Once you said this, he couldn't take it any longer and threw you onto the bed. It wasn't long before he was rubbing himself up and down your clit.
"Tom, please." That was all he needed. He pushed inside you. You felt sooo good. All he could do was pant. Then he slowly pulled out and slammed back in. You whimpered and gripped his back. He started slow, trying to savor the delicious feeling of your every inch hugging him. You looked up at him.
"Daddy." He screwed his eyes shut and threw his back.
"Fuck. Say that again." His accent thick with need, eyes filled with desire. He stopped his movements.
"Look at me." He obliged. Looking up at him through your lashes you did it again.
"Daddy." Reaching one hand down to toy with yourself, he watched where you two were connected. His breathing had visibly become deeper, more intense. Almost immediately he started pounding into you relentlessly and you squealed. Your eyes slowly rolled back into your head as you raked your hands down his back, knowing you were going to leave strong marks. Wrapping your legs around his waist to make sure he would get fully inside you. Despite it seeming impossible, his movements sped up. Suddenly, he hit your spot. That one spot you needed most. You screamed out. Dipping his head down, he whispered sweet praises and delicious moans into your ear.
"Oh my god"
"Just like that, babygirl"
"Shit I'm close"
"M-me too" You had somehow managed to get out. His grip on your hips tightened as your legs shook and you cried out from ecstasy. You automatically clenched around him, making him shoot thick spurts of warm cum deep inside you. He rested his head on your shoulder, slowly moving his hips against yours to ride out your highs. Playing with his hair, you sighed. Once you could breathe normally he pulled out and he laid on his back next to you.
"If I'm going to be honest, that's the best sex I've ever had." Tom looked at you with a lazy smile. You ran your hand through your hair. (A/N: 🎶 you got sex hair and you got it from me girl!🎶, lol sorry I love Parks & Rec)
"Glad I don't stand alone on that one." He pulled you into his chest.
"Want to go on a real date tomorrow?"
"I would love to Thomas." His eyes crinkled as he smiled with joy.
"How come you never told me you liked me back?"
"You never asked."

Hey hope you liked this one, I thought of it in the car cuz I have a dirty mind. PLEASE request more, I always make time for you guys✨

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