Peter Parker// Without You

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Could you write angst?
Requested by TheStarry_Night
Warning: Emotions and stuff

Y/N is awaken by the sound of a thud in her bedroom. A shadowy figure stands up and groans, grabbing her book (as a weapon ofc) she stands up and turns on the light. It's her boyfriend Peter in the Spider-Man suit.
"Peter what are you doing here at-" She sharply turns her head to her clock, "2:37am??" But then he turns around.
"Oh my gosh! Peter what happened?" She pulls his hand over to sit next to her on the bed. His suit is all ripped. Half of his mask is gone.
"Who did this to you?"
"You should've seen me, I almost had him."
"Peter, stop worrying about the Vulture guy. I hate seeing you like this." She rolls down his suit to his waist and examines him. There are so many bruises and his lip is busted.
"I'll go get some ice." Y/N's eyes fill with concern as she walks out of the room returning with a first-aid kit.
"This is gonna sting a bit at first." Peter winces and sucks in a breath.
"Why do you do this to yourself?"
"I just have to catch him."
"Pete, you're not listening to me-"
"I was so close! Maybe I should attack from above or-"
"Peter Parker!" Y/N yells, "I can't watch you do this to yourself." Her eyes fill up with tears. He wraps her in his arms and they fall asleep as he strokes her hair.

********Next Day at School********
Begrudgingly, Y/N stopped at her locker to get her books and made her way to first period. The class was Chemistry and she had it with Peter, but he wasn't here. Not a second after she noticed he was gone, he ran into class, flannel untucked, sweater wrinkled, and hair sticking up in different directions.
"I'm so sorry I'm late." He said breathlessly.
"Don't make it a habit, Parker." The teacher replied.
After class Y/N approached him.
"Peter, can we talk?"
"About what?" She ignored the question as she pulled him to a quiet spot next to the stairwell. She sighed and sat down. With her head in her hands she started to cry. Peter dropped his stuff crouched nest to her.
"Y/N, babe, what's wrong?" He rubbed rubbed her back as he hugged her. I have to do this. Y/N thought to herself. She looked up into his eyes, cupped his face and kissed him passionately. She stopped herself before it got to be too much. "Peter," she said crying, "Just remember, I love you so much. I've never felt for anyone what I feel for you, but I can't do this anymore."
"W-what do y-you mean?" Tears filled his eyes.
"We should break up, Peter. It tears me apart to see you hurt yourself every night and I just can't-"
"No, n-no, Y/N I'll do anything I-I'll give up the suit!"
"Goodbye, Pete." She grabbed her stuff and left.

*************Next week*************
Peter lied on his bed, clutching a picture of her on his chest. The tears never stopped falling. He looked at Y/N's photo and said, "Without you, I'll never be the same."

Oh my gosh that was very angsty if I do say so myself, make sure you leave more requests and I hope you liked this imagine✨

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