TH // I'm Sorry

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I'm back at it again with the Tag Yourself memes so tag yourself I'm Sam and Paddy

Can you do a imagine where Tom and the reader get in a argument and Tom slaps the reader and tries to apologize but the reader leaves him. A couple days later Tom goes to the reader's house and cries and says how much he misses them and they take him back

Requested by moon-light-love


Alone. Broken. That's how I feel. I haven't eaten, haven't slept. I don't want anything but him. I shouldn't miss him, but I do. I'm currently curled up in a ball in my old bedroom. My parents are gone which is good. Now I don't have to explain what happened. But I can't stop thinking about what happened.
Flashback to two days ago
Running up the apartment complex stairs, tears ran down my face. Tom followed me into our apartment.
"It wasn't me Tom! He kissed me!" Tom's upset face made my heart wrench.
"How could you guys do this to me, to us?!" He yelled, startling me.
"Harrison didn't mean to he was drunk!" I tried to explain, but to no avail. His long strides shortened the space between us.
"Just admit it!" He spat out, face red with anger I was shaking with so many bad thoughts and feelings. My anger overcame me and I shoved him. Hard. He stumbled and looked at me, eyes wide with shock and sadness.
"What was that?" My eyes met his and I ran to him.
"I honestly don't know what came over me I'm so sorry." I choked out. Then what happened next, I still don't fully believe. Tom rose his right hand, and smacked it across my face. The impact had my left side of my face buzzing with pain. I held my face and looked up at him slowly. Tom looked down at his hand instantly feeling regret. His face showed fear.
"Y/N, babygirl, I'm so sorry what's wrong with me?!" He yelled and I flinched.
"Oh god I've scared you. It's still me, please forgive me." I looked at him and ran out onto the city street. I didn't know where I was going until I got there. My parent's house.

And that's where I am now. These past two days have been horrible. I'm starving but when I try to eat, I just throw it up so what's the point. My stomach feels like it's turning in on itself with hunger so I finally get up to go to the kitchen. Passing the mirror, I don't recognize who I see when I look into it. My eyes are fluffy from my hours of crying. My Y/H/C hair was frizzy and tangled, so I put it in a messy bun. Emphasis on "messy". I've been wearing the same pajamas for two days. One of Tom's old shirts and sweatpants. Sighing, I went downstairs but heard the doorbell ring. Slowly, I approached the peephole and saw him. I opened the door, despite another side of me telling me not to. His face was red and blotchy. Hair sticking up in all directions.
"I didn't think you'd answer." He admitted.
"Neither did I." I stepped to te side and opened the door wider so he could step in, but he stayed there.
"I don't think I deserve to be in the same room as you if I'm honest." He said stiffly, holding back some tears.
"It's pouring rain Tom. It'll make me feel better that you're not standing in it." He took a couple breaths and stepped inside, closing the door behind him.
"Y/N" My eyes met his, "I came here to say that I still love you. I miss you so much. My life is complete shit without you. I don't know why I did what I did. I should never have hit you," His eyes watered and mine did too, "I taked to Harrison and he didn't even remember kissing you anyways. He was hammered," he chuckled softly. "Please, please take me back." He got on his knees and wrapped his arms around my waist. His tears leaving marks on my t-shirt. My hands found his hair and stroked it softly.
"Tom, I miss you too." He looked up at me.
"So you'll take me back?" He asked, voice filled with hope.
"Yes. I couldn't live without you, Tom." He stood up and kissed me. God I missed those lips. He wrapped his arms around my waist and deepened the kiss. I never wanted it to end. We pulled away for air and he made a trail of kisses from the bottom of my ear to my collar bone. I closed my eyes, loving the feeling of being this close to Tom again. My eyes shot open when I felt the kisses stop. Looking down, I saw Tom on one knee, grinning up at me like an idiot while holding a ring.
"Oh my god." My hands went up to my mouth and my eyes watered.

You can guess what happens next😏💍✨ Always pm me or comment more request plz because I have run out of requests again

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