PP // Jealousy

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How about Peter getting jealous? Like Y/n happens to go to a party with him and well a guy just happens to hit on her.

Requested by Gaby_the_Bookworm

Peter's Apartment
"Hey May" Y/N and Peter walked in from a long day of school.
"Hey guys! How was school?" You looked at Peter with nervous eyes.
"There's a party at Liz's house tonight. We were wondering i-if maybe w-we could-"
"Oh thank god! Pete here's been working too hard, would you agree?" You smiled and nodded your head.
"You two have fun I gotta run some errands. What time is the party, do you need a ride?" She grabbed her purse and car keys.
"Nope, we can walk there," You smiled.

*****mini time skip cuz I'm lazy af****

You checked your phone, "Peter, c'mon it's 8:30 let's go!" Peter scrambled out of his room and looked at you.
"Wow you look b-beautiful." His eyes grew wide as you smiled and blushed. You loved how he always thought you were pretty even in an outfit as simple as what you're wearing now. You had put on Y/F/C shirt with a skirt and some grey Vans (or converse depending on what you like). Peter then laced his hands through yours and you walked to the party.

**** At the party ****
As you entered Liz's house, the sound of music pulsed through your body. Flash was the DJ. Of course. Scanning around the party you saw someone you knew. It was Evan. He had most of the same classes as you and he was always nice, so when he smiled and waved at you, it seemed harmless. Peter didn't see it as harmless. He squeezed your hand and lead you to the kitchen.
"What? I was just saying hi." You explained.
"I just brought you here because of pizza." He lied. He turned around after he felt a tap on his shoulder.
"Hey Ned!" His face lit up. You chatted for a bit but kept feeling someone's eyes on you. Looking up, you saw Evan. He was on his way towards you. Oh god this isn't good. You pretend to look busy on your phone but that didn't stop him.
"Hey Y/N" You put your phone in your skirt's pocket and look up.
"Hey." You mustered a small smile. Evan is really nice, but you didn't want Peter to worry and get jealous.
"You maybe wanna dance with me?" You were about to answer but he ha already lead you to the dance floor.
His hands were on your waist and yours were around his neck.
"You know" He started, "I've actually had a pretty big crush on you since like 8th grade." You didn't know what to say.
"M-maybe we could go out sometime?" He looked in your eyes for an answer.
"I'm really sorry, Evan. But you know I'm dating Peter, right?" Before he could say anything, Peter had already had enough. He took your hand and lead you to the back porch outside.
"What does he think he's doing? Talking to my girlfriend." He muttered.
"Pete" his expression softened when he heard your voice.
"I love you. Not Evan or any other guy. I'm with you for a reason, y'know."
"And w-what do you mean?" You took a deep breath.
"I love you, Peter." That was the first I love you of your whole 6 month relationship. It just felt right to say it.
"I love you too, Y/N" H whispered as he pulled you into a kiss. The rest of the night you two slow danced outside. Away from the party. Just you guys, and everything was okay.


✨Sorry I've just written more trash, but hope you like it and plz request more as I've run out of requests to write✨

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