Dating Tom Holland would include...

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Which pic do you prefer? I lowkey prefer the first but.... c'mon, it's Tom fracking Holland he's always hot

Maybe a "dating Tom Holland would include"? If you don't want to that's fine but thanks!! ❤️
Requested by AlexGoesRawr03

• Quality time with Tessa when he's away for work

• Meeting Zendaya and totally fangirling

• Becoming friends with the SM:H cast

• Immediately cuddling with Tom when he gets back 

• Him "forgetting" to unpack because he always wants to be with you

• Treating Tessa like your very own child


• You always begging him to teach you the Umbrella choreography

• Him eventually giving in and helping you when you sprained your ankle
(lol me)

• He would freak out and act overdramatic and help you with everything. And I mean EVERYTHING.

• "Tom, I don't need help eating soup, it's my ankle that's hurt!"

• Harrison third-wheeling with you guys. All. The. Time.

• Which would lead to him walking in on you guys... 😉

• Immediately covering his eyes "Ohmygosh I'm so sorry" and running into the door. "MY EYEESSS!!"

• You having a hard time looking Haz in the eyes again for a day or two

• Staying with his family for Christmas every other year. Other years it was your family.

• Your families being sooo supportive of your relationship

• Late night talks about anything

• "Y/N... do you want kids?"

That's all I can think of for now but I will most likely edit and add more to this within the next couple of days. You guys can always request more, just pm me or comment anywhere in this story✨

Peter Parker/ Tom Holland Imagines [REQUESTS CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now