TH // Proof

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Maybe tom and the reader have a fight about how the reader thinks he's better with zendaya but then tom proves to the reader that's the reader is the only one he lovds and wants so he proves it to her

Requested by wickedholland

You sat on you and Tom's shared bed scrolling through Instagram. You stopped when you saw Zendaya's newest selfie. How is she so pretty? You thought to yourself. Then you looked in the mirror. I'm not nearly as gorgeous, funny, or nice as she is. She's perfect, I'm not. Your eyes started to water. I don't deserve Tom. The tears fell down her face. Then your head snapped up after hearing the front door shut.
"Y/N I'm home!" Tom called out. You rubbed your face to try and get rid of the evidence of the tears but are too slow.
"Y/N," Tom's face softened and his eyebrows furrowed with worry.
"Baby, what happened?" He wrapped his arms around you. Tom was surprised when you pushed him away.
"Why are you with me? You should be with Zendaya. I don't deserve you." You wrapped your arms around yourself and looked down.
"What do you mean?" Now Tom was close to tears.
"You should be with Zendaya!" You repeated.
"Look at how pretty and perfect she is." You held your phone up with Zendaya's picture on it.
"Y/N I chose you for a reason. I love you! You're the most beautiful, nice, funny, perfect girl I've ever met. Zendaya doesn't even compare to you." You lifted your head to meet his eyes.
"Y-you love me?"
"Well yeah!" You ran up to Tom and threw your arms around him.
"I love you too." You almost whispered.
He lifted her chin and their lips met in a passionate kiss. You rested their foreheads against each other and laced your fingers together.
"Were you crying earlier?" You asked
"I hate seeing you so upset. It makes me upset." He said quietly.
"You're such a cutie." You replied kissing his nose.
"I'm exhausted, wanna go to bed, darling?" A smile appeared on your face.
"Yes I do."
You and Tom collapsed into bed and you fell asleep listening to Tom's heartbeat as he stroked your back.
He couldn't wait for what he had planned tomorrow. He has the ring and everything.

Sorry that was short I hope you liked it!✨

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