Peter Parker // One Day

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Tag yourself from above I'm WHAT? and "WOAH CHILL!!" 😂

Make one that Peter saves you from a bad guy and he gives you a spiderman kiss. Just say he had a mega crush in Y/N  and he is like "YESSSSS!!! WOOOO!!!"

Requested by trashygril

Peter's POV
"Peter!!" Some voice yelled. It sounded distant so I ignored it.
"Peter!" The voice sounded louder along with the sound of rushed footsteps.
"Liter, you've ate!!" What? Then my comforter was thrown to the floor.
"Peter, you're late!!" That makes much more sense.
"Hey Aunt May." I yawned.
"Get up!! You're gonna have to settle with a kind bar for breakfast." She rushed into the kitchen. Rubbing my eyes, I turned to the clock.
Shit!! The train leaves in ten minutes!
Jumping out of bed, I quickly changed into a Midtown Tech sweatshirt and jeans. After stuffing my suit into my backpack, I was set.
"Bye Aunt May!" I grabbed my "breakfast" and raced out the door.

*****mini time skip*****

Just in time. I thought as I found a spot to stand on the train.
"Wait! Hold the door!" I looked up and saw her. Y/N. Time slowed down when she looked up at me with those beautiful Y/E/C eyes.
"Thanks," She smiled, settling for the only open spot which happened to be right next to me. Ohmygod. Okay Peter, deep breathes.
"Midtown Tech," she looked at my shirt, "I go there."
"Oh u-uh cool."
"You're Peter, right? Peter.." she trailed off thinking of my last name.
"P-Parker, yeah."
"Peter Parker." She thought aloud. When she turned around to get her phone out of her bag, I got a whiff her.. shampoo, maybe? Peaches. Okay Pete, note to self: gotta stop being creepy. Noted. The train stopped.
Right on time.
Once in school, I made my way to Ned,
who was already by my locker.
"Hey Ned" I think I was smiling a bit much. But I couldn't help it. I actually talked to Y/N! Like a semi-normal person!
"Hey smiley. What's got you smiling?"
"You know Y/N?"
"Did you talk to her?" He looked surprised. Thanks Ned.
"Well she talked to me and-" Ned cut me off,
"Woah, she knows you exist?!"
"Yeah I know sh-" The bell cut our conversation short.
"See you in chemistry" He winked. Shit. I have chemistry with her. Aaaand I forgot my homework. Great.

*****In Chemistry*****
"This seat taken?" I looked up from my laptop and slowly closed it.
"N-no, you can sit there. I-if you w-want to" Damn my stuttering.
Y/N slid into the chair next to mine.
"Okay class, new quarter means new seats. Whomever you're next to now it you're lab partner the rest of the quarter." Mrs. DuBois announced. I turned around to Ned, who was next to Michelle. He gave me two thumbs up.
"Go get em', Spidey" He whispered.
"Thank god you're my partner" Y/N said. I turned to her with a confused look.
"R-really?" She processed what she said.
"Um what I m-mean is that you can help me with chemistry because I'm not very good at it and you are."
I smiled, "Thanks."

*****After school*****
As soon as the final bell rang, I was out of there. It's my favorite time of day. I get to keep the city safe. Turning into the alley, I quickly pulled on my suit then webbed my backpack to the dumpster.
"Alright. Time to go save the city."
I climbed up the top of the nearest building (aye oh, let's go!).  And swung across the street, "Woohoo!" My joyride was interrupted by a scream.
Instantly I started swinging towards the source of it and stopped on top of a nearby supermarket. Y/N? She was backed up against a wall with some guy dressed in black held her at gunpoint.
"Give me your wallet!"
"I don't have it right n-" She sobbed.
"ahem." They looked in my direction.
"Hey buddy, why don't you pick on somebody your own size?"
I jumped to the ground, grabbed his wrist and twisted it till he dropped the gun. When he tried to counter attack, I webbed myself to the pavilion and hung upside-down. Then I webbed him to the brick building.
"You alright there, little lady?" I asked, leaning against the wall.
"Oh my god! You saved my life!" She gushed. "That was so scary!"
"Well, you're safe now and that's what counts." I felt the blood rushing to my head a bit from hanging upside down.
"Can I try something?" I did 't even answer before she peeled down my mask to the middle of my nose. Then the unexpected happened. Y/N, the girl I've loved and admired for so long, leaned in and kissed me. Her hands held onto the sides of my face as her tongue slipped in my mouth. It felt so right. Pulling away breathlessly, I opened my eyes. She's gone. How'd that happen so quick? Mask in hand,
I swung on top of the supermarket again. The smile on my face could last forever and I wouldn't complain about my cheeks hurting knowing the cause of this happiness. I pumped my fists in the air.
Nothing mattered because Y/N finally kissed me.

Peter Parker/ Tom Holland Imagines [REQUESTS CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now