PP // Don't Say Goodbye

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You should do one were Peter is fighting and dies because i feel like there are no sad ones

Requested by sageholland

Important: I've given the main character the power of what Banshee has. The supersonic screams I think they're called.
This is a song imagine based on Murder Song by Aurora. You can listen to it while you read if you want. The lyrics being read may not match up with the timing of the song, but I tried.


I'm constantly checking my phone. Peter had finally gone out to find Vulture. He told me not to worry, but there's really not much else to do when you have a boyfriend who constantly risks his life. I keep stopping myself from calling Aunt May. Because she can't know, I reminded myself. My heart almost jumps out of my chest when my phone rings.

Tony Stark.

I picked up before the second ring.
"Hello? Tony? Is something wrong?"
"It's Peter. I finally fixed the tracker in his suit and... I'm worried about him." When he spoke those words, it felt as if my heart dropped.
"W-where is he then?" My voice was a little louder and more intense than I meant.
"He's outside the Avengers' tower. I'm on my way to help him. Whatever you do, stay put!" Then the dial tone was heard. I ran a hand through my Y/H/C hair as I looked around my room. I have to be able to help somehow. After scanning my room, I put on my jeans and sneakers and left on one of Peter's sweatshirts. I've decided. I'm going to save Peter. Instantly, I sprinted out my front door and to the Avengers' Tower as fast as I could.

By the time I arrived, Tony had already taken flight and was trying to help Peter take down Vulture. I was trying t stay out of sight so I could help them only at the moment they needed most. This way there was a smaller chance of me being seen and captured by Vulture.
When Tony was knocked over and Vulture made his way over to Peter I let out my screams. This shocked Vulture and he collapsed to the ground to cover his ears with his hands. Peter had put two and two together.
"Y/N!!" He yelled, "Look out!" Before I could even turn around, Vulture had already grabbed me.
"Peter!!" My voice cracked. It was basically gone from my previous screams. Peter lunged at Vulture but he swung away from him and tightened his grip on me.
"The choice is simple, it's either her life or yours, Parker!" He laughed evilly.
"Stop!" Peter's voice was full of anger. "Pick me. I'm the one who's stopped you before. I'm the one you want." He trailed off, tears filling his eyes. Vulture tossed me to the ground as I coughed and hacked until my breathing was better. Peter turned around and looked at me, his eyes showing a look of sorrow and knowing.
"I have to do this."
"Peter, please no." He started walking towards Vulture.
"Peter NO!!" I lunged to tackle him to the ground but it was too late. Vulture grabbed him by his neck. His grip was only tightening as he watched Peter gasp and struggle against him.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1

I tried to slow my breathing but it was too late. The panic has already set in. The sounds around me are amplified and even with my hands over my ears nothing can quite down. I'm forced to see the unthinkable. My stomach dropped as I watched his body grow weaker and weaker.

He didn't mean to do no harm
He did it all to spare me from the awful things in life that come
and he cries
and cries.

His face showed a look of anger. He was trying to fight back. He knew these were his last moments. Peter turned to look at me and I was forced to watch the life drain from his body. I watched as his body was tossed to the ground, like he was nothing, and Vulture flew away. The light from his eyes already gone. A loud guttural sob erupted from me, unable to stop it as I ran to him.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1

I moved his hair away from his face and wiped away my tears that had fallen on his face.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Placing his head in my lap, I rocked him back and forth slowly. All the while whispering, "You're okay. You're okay. You're okay." Another sob escaped me as my shoulders shook with pain and sorrow.
"It's not your time, don't say goodbye."

5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Tony walks over and places his hand on my shoulder.
"Y/N, we have to get moving," his eys filled with tears.
"If we bring his body we can hold a proper burial." He slowly let the tears fall and cleared his throat. I nodded my head and looked into his eyes.
"It's not his time to go!" I yelled. I slowly bent down and closed Peter's eyes before giving him one last kiss.

My heart has been ripped in half. And nothing can fix it.

The gun is gone
and so am I
and here I go.

✨Oh my gosh the feelings are real. Hearts are overrated anyway so I'm trying to deal with the fact that mine has been ripped out of my chest. As I was reading this over I started crying so hard and I still am rn. Oml I hope you guys enjoyed this and don't forget you can always request more✨

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