TH // (almost) Date Night

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can you write the one where Tom is jealous as the reader (his bestfriend) is trying to have a personal life and goes on dates. Tom tries to spoil it.
Requested by @fluffybi
Warning: Adorkable and jealous Tom in all his glory
Note: I'm trying writing in different POVs so yah.

"Where did I put them?" I muttered, hand stuck in my purse as I searched for my apartment keys. Just then I heard the TV turn on from inside.
"Tom, are you in there again?!" I shouted. The sound of rushed footsteps got closer and closer to the door, then a thud.
"oww." He groaned. I giggled when he opened the door rubbing his head.
"Hey Y/N" he smiled.
"Tom, how'd you get in here? I thought you lost the extra set of keys I got you." He picked up my keys from the counter and dangled them in my face.
"I believe you left these at my apartment." I snatched them and rolled my eyes.
"Well you just wasted five whole minutes of my time. I'm running late!" He trailed behind me into my room.
"Late for what?"
Throwing my purse on my bed and running my hand through my Y/H/C hair, I sighed, "My date, Tom! I've been planning for weeks!" He looked upset,
"What about our movie night?"
"I'm sorry, but we have those every Friday, and this is the only time Glenn had free."
"Glenn??? You're going out with a guy named Glenn?! Aww wait, it's not that jerk from the party last week is it?"
"Buzz off."
"You and him? Nah, sorry I can't imagine you with that pile of muscles. He'll strangle you when he hugs you!"
I turned to him chuckling,
"Let me change please." He shut the door behind him.

I sighed and sat on the couch. Glenn doesn't deserve Y/N, I thought to myself. Knocking on the door pulled me from my thoughts. After getting up; I looked through the peephole. It was Glenn. I groaned and opened the door.
"Hey Tom." He looked at me with a slightly confused look.
"Yeah, sorry, Glenn but Y/N is swamped at work and I'm apartment-sitting for her so you can just leave."
He looked shocked, "But I just talked to her earlier and she didn't menti-"
"Okay, you caught me. That was a lie," I chuckled, "the truth is she's not interested." I slammed the door in his face and he promptly left.

Ten minutes later I had touched up my hair and makeup put on my Y/F/C high-low dress. Tom knocked on the door,
"Can I come in?"
He walked in with his eyes closed and hands out in front of him.
"Tom, what are you doing?" I laughed at his dorkiness.
"Better safe than sorry." He opened his eyes.
"Oh my god. Y/N. You look beautiful. Stunning, actually. No. Words cannot describe how amazing you look." My eyes met his.
"Thanks Tom," I smiled, then looked at my phone.
"Crap! I gotta go!"
"No you don't"
"Yes I d-" I stopped myself, "Tom what did you do?"
"He might've stopped by and J might've told him you didn't like him."
"It's true you told me last week you thought he was kind of a jerk."
"But I thought if I gave him a chance..."
I trailed off. Tom is right. I never really liked him.
"You know me best, Tom Holland."
He gave me a hug.
"Soo... about that movie night?"
"I'd love to."

OH M GOSH I'M SO SORRY THIS IS ACTUAL TRASH!! I'm going to blame it on my finger cuz I slammed it in a door last night (don't ask how idek) lol I'm a clutz. I'm sorry this isn't as good as I hoped it would come out but you can always request more, happy reading!! ✨

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