Chapter Twenty-Seven (Part One)

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Four days later, they were arriving in Ambrette Town. It was a fast trip from Laverre to here, as Ash pushed them hard and they bought train tickets. The five of them were now in the Pokémon Center, debating the best way to go about convincing Jessie and James to help them. "Just march up to them and demand they show you where the hideout is." Gary was in favor of using force. Ash didn't agree.

"I'd rather not get into a battle right now, and that's the only thing I can see happening if we try and force them." Ash muttered with a huge sigh, dragging his hands down his face.

"You're being stupid." Gary said.

"No, I'm being logical. You should try it sometime." Ash snapped. With the disappearance of Serena, his temper had gotten shorter and shorter, until he exploded at little things like that. It was frustrating for his friends to watch, and even worse for the one on the receiving end of his outbursts.

"Okay, what about just talking to them? They seemed okay the last time we saw them." Clemont suggested cautiously.

"That might be the best way to go about it." Ash muttered. "But do we even know where they live?"

"There's not many houses in Ambrette Town." Bonnie said.

"Yeah, but its dumb to just go knocking on every door and waiting to see who answers. Not to mention time consuming." Clemont replied, answering his sister.

"Uh, guys?" Korrina spoke up.

"What?" Ash asked, turning to her. She nodded towards the desk at the Pokémon Center where Nurse Joy received patients. Ash looked in that direction, and saw pointy red hair. "There's Jessie." Ash murmured. She handed over two pokeballs, then walked over to another sitting area.

"Should we just go up to her and ask her then?" Dawn asked, looking at the ex-Team Rocket member.

"I suppose." Ash replied. "Greninja, I choose you." Ash tossed out the pokeball as he stood up. "Just in case." He murmured as the Ninja frog appeared. With both hands gripping Pikachu, he approached Jessie, who was sitting on a couch reading a magazine.

"Uh," Ash said, not knowing how to start once he got over to her. Jessie jumped and slammed the magazine shut, looking up. Her blue eyes were wide with surprise, and her mouth was open slightly.

"Twerp...I mean, uh, Ash, right?" She said, still shellshocked. Jessie glanced over his shoulder, seeing all of his friends. Except for that Kalos Queen girl, Serena.

"Don't be cute. You know who I am." Ash said, a hint of aggression coming to his voice. Jessie sighed and leaned back lazily, seeming to have gotten over her initial shock.

"Why are you here?" She scoffed. "I'm not in Team Rocket anymore, neither is James. It's not like I'm gonna steal Pikachu or anything. We just want to enjoy our lives."

"That's not why I'm here." Ash muttered.

"Then what is it?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"We need to get into the Team Rocket Headquarters here in Kalos." Ash said, staring Jessie down. She didn't look fazed.

"Ah. And I suppose you want James and I to put our lives at stake to get you in? Not happening."

"You kinda owe it to me you know, for trying to catch Pikachu all those years." Ash hissed. Jessie stood up, angrily crossing her arms. Ash noticed he was about a head taller than her now, which was an interesting change in perspective.

"I don't owe you anything. We were just doing our jobs." Jessie growled back. "We swore we were done with all that, and I'd rather not leave my daughter without any parents, if something were to happen to us."

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