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Lexi's POV

"That's you!" Chance yelled, grabbing my arm.

"Shhh." I shushed, not taking my eyes off the screen, listening to what they were saying.

"Lexi, we hope you can make it, and one of us or both will talk to you today to give you the details!" Jc said smiling. Jc Caylen said that to me.

"That's about all we have for today's video, we will see you guys on Monday!" Kian said, waving to the camera.

"Adios." Jc said. The screen went black and the words "Next Video: Pain Game" appeared in the scratchy white writing. I paused the video. I looked at Chance.

"I'm going to LA." I said in awe.

"They picked you Lexi." Chance, said standing up. He took my hand a pulled me up.

"They picked me." I said, letting it sink it.

"Yeah." He laughed.

"Chance, I'm going to meet them!" I yelled. I started crying.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked.

"N-nothing's wrong Chance, these are tears of joy." I said, hugging him tightly.

"I'm gonna be with them for a whole WEEK." I yelled. He laughed, pulling me into his chest.

"Check your Twitter, to see if they dm'd you!" He said. I grabbed my phone, pulling Chance with me to sit on the floor. I logged onto Twitter to see that I had tons of notifications and lots of messages. I was scrolling through my notifications and stopped when I read a certain one:

"@KianLawley followed you"

"No!" I said aloud, tossing my phone across the room into a pile of clothes. I put my hand over my mouth.

"What?" Chance asked, before his phone started to ring. 

"Hello?" He answered. "Are you serious?" "No, I can't just drop everything and-" "Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" "I'm with Lexi right now." "Fine, fine." He hung up and put his head in his hands.

"What happened, babe?" I asked.

"My brother wanted to go home earlier so he booked our flight for earlier. I have to go." He said, standing up.

"But you weren't supposed to leave until tomorrow morning." I said.

"I know, and now we have a flight early this afternoon." He said. We left my room, walking towards the door.

"I'm gonna miss you.." I said, hugging him.

"I'll miss you too." He said, wrapping his arms around me. We stayed that way for a minute or so. We let go of each other.

"Goodbye." He said, and kissed me. He opened the door, and I held it open as he left, walking down the hall and out of sight. I sighed and closed the door. Well there goes my good day. You know what, Lexi? You are still gonna have a good day. You won the contest, Kian followed you on Twitter, I'd say today is pretty great.

I went back to my room and flopped onto my bed. I closed my eyes.

"Lexi!" I heard someone say. I opened my eyes. Erika was standing in front of my bed.

"Why are you home so early?" I asked. She put her hands on her hips.

"Look at the time." She said simply. 3:57 pm.

"Shit, I didn't know I fell asleep." I sat up. She sat on my bed.

"So did Kian and Jc upload the video??" She curiously asked. Right, I hadn't told her yet.

"Uh, yes. And they picked someone and it wasn't me. That person wasn't able to make it so they had to pick a new winner." I said.

"And???" She hinted for me to continue.

"It was me." I whispered with a smiled.

"Shut up!!" She gasped.

"So I'm going to LA for a week!" I grinned.


"I need to go shopping." I said, and I've never seen Erika look more excited in her life.


"Alright where do you wanna go first?" She asked, as we got out of the car and walked toward the mall.

"Let's start at H&M and see what I find there." I said. We walked into the not-so-crowded mall and found our way to H&M. I needed some new clothes since I was gonna be with Kian and Jc and Bobby, Franny and Corey for a week, and I'm not gonna be wearing sweatpants and crop tops the whole time. Not that I'm trying to impress anyone, I mean, I have a boyfriend.

"I'll look over here, you look over there!" Erika pointed to various areas of the store.

"Ok." I laughed. I walked over to a rack and started looking through it. About fifteen minutes passed, and I had an armful of clothes. She walked towards me, with her arms full too.

"I think I should go try stuff on." I smiled.

After trying everything on, we left H&M with a bag of my stuff, and some things Erika got too. I had found an army green cardigan for seventeen dollars, a few jersey tank tops in different colors for nine bucks each, a really cute denim jacket for thirty-nine dollars and couple other things, for a grand total of ninety-two dollars. Erika had only found like three things, so her grand total was like forty-five.

"Ooh, we should go to GARAGE next." Taylor said.

"Yes! They have super cute denim things." I said excitedly.

Many Hours Later...

We were now at Red Robin, getting dinner at eight o'clock at night. We finished shopping, the trunk of my car full of shopping bags. At GARAGE I found a super cute pair of ripped, light wash mom jeans. Erika found a cross-back dress on sale for twenty dollars there. After that, we headed to Forever 21 since they were having a huge sale. I got a crop top, a tshirt, a pair of shorts, and a romper there. Lastly we found ourselves at PINK. I got a really cute swimsuit but that's all since that store is so expensive! Basically, of all the other stores we went to, in total I spent probably three hundred dollars. Yikes. I forgot to add the Sephora stuff to the total, but I don't even want to add that... 

"Today was so much fun." Erika said.

"I had a ton of fun!" I smiled. "Now the hard part is getting everything from the car to our rooms." We laughed.


Hope you liked that chapter, and please remember to vote if you like it!!


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