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Lexi's POV

I opened my eyes to bright lights. I looked around and recognized that I was in the hospital. I saw a clock on the wall and noticed that it read 4:37. A nurse walked by the window and her eyes grew wide. She hurried in.

"How are you feeling sweetie?" She asked, walking to the computer monitor next to my bed and pressing some buttons.

"Good... um, what happened?" I asked. She sighed and adjusted the tubes leading to the IV in my arm.

"You've been in a coma for the past three weeks." She explained.

Coma? Three weeks? 

"If you're feeling better you could possibly be home tonight." She smiled.

"Ok..." I said. Kian has probably texted me a million times...

"Could I have my phone please?" I asked, sitting up more. She went over to a table and grabbed my phone off of it and handed it to me. I unlocked it. I had texts, but none from Kian. That's weird...

"When did I fall into the coma?" I asked the nurse.

"You were at your apartment and your roommate said you had spent the day packing, you went to bed and you wouldn't wake up and then... yeah." She said.


I went to iMessage. No conversation with Kian. I went to my contacts. No contact by the name of Kian Lawley. This was really weird. I went to my camera roll. No pictures of Kian and I. I heard a knock on the door and Erika walked in with Starbucks in her hand, Chance following behind her.

"Lexi... you're awake!" Erika said, walking over to a table on the other side of the room to put the drinks down. Chance walked over.

"Hey babe." He leaned in to kiss me when I pushed him away.

"What are you doing?!" I asked, shocked.

"I was worried about you..." He said, confused.

"I have a boyfriend, Chance." I said.

"I know, we've been dating for a long time now." He laughed.

"I broke up with you..." I said.

"Why didn't you tell me you were gonna break up with him?" Erika asked.

"Well, I'm dating Kian!" I said.

"Who's Kian? Wait that YouTube guy?" Chance asked.

"You haven't even met him yet!" Erika said, her Starbucks slipping out of her hand and spilling on the floor and splashing onto Chance.

"Who's Kian??" Chance yelled.

"Shut up, Chance." Erika said, annoyed, as she found paper towels to clean the floor.

"Erika, what do you mean I haven't met him yet?? I spent a whole week with him!" I said.

"No you didn't Lexi! You haven't gone to LA yet! You're going tomorrow if you can get out of here tonight." Erika said.

"It didn't happen...oh my god." I said, my tears blurring my vision. "It never happened..."

"What are you talking about??" Chance asked.

"Leave Chance! Just leave god dammit!" I screamed, tears streaming down my face. He walked out of the room, Erika's drink still all over him. I sat there, my knees pulled into my chest, trying to get that realization into my head: it never happened.

"I wanna go home." I said, after what felt like hours. Erika nodded and left, presumably to find a nurse. My eyes finally dried and I put my hair in a ponytail.

"Let me just check your vitals." The nurse said as she took my temperature, listened to my heartbeat and watched the computer screen for a few minutes.

"You're okay to go home now." She smiled. I swung my legs off the bed and reached for my phone. I stood up and slid on my Birkenstocks that Erika had brought. We went to the car and Erika drove us home in silence. I went to my room saw that it was left the same as the day I found out I was going to Kian and Jc's...

The Next Day... At the airport in LA

I got off the plane, and walked through the tunnel thing that connects the plane to the airport gate. I followed the crowd of people down the escalators that lead to the baggage claim area. I looked down at my boarding pass to see that my suitcase would be coming out onto the third carousel. I scanned the room full of people waiting for their family members and friends, or in my case, YouTubers waiting for a fan. Erika hadn't talked to me at all really, yesterday or this morning. I drove myself to the airport this afternoon and just left it at the airport parking area. I'm still in shock from what I found out yesterday so I'm curious if this week will be the same or completely different as it was when I dreamt it.

"Carousel Three has now begun unloading. Carousel Three." The voice on the intercom spoke as I walked over to it and waited as I watched bag after bag come down. Mine was the last one to come out, and I grabbed it, pulling up the handle and rolling it behind me as I walked away from the carousels and closer to the doors to the airport.  There were less people, which would seem to make it easier to find someone but now all the people waiting for their suitcases were mixed in amongst the people waiting for people. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted two boys walk in, and I directed my attention to them, seeing that it was, in fact, Kian Lawley and Jc Caylen. I smiled, walking toward them. They smiled back. It was like the last time, although it felt more real.

"Hey guys." I said, leaning in to hug Jc.

"Hey Lexi." He said. I'm literally so happy right now.

"How was your flight?" He asked, still holding me.

"It was really good, we actually left earlier than expected." I answered as he let go of me.

"Dang that's rare." He laughed.

"I know right!" I said. I looked at Kian. He smiled. I stepped closer to him and wrapped my arms around him.

"Hi..." I said, sighing.

"Hi..." He mimicked me and I looked up at him, our smiles fading. He looked at me intently and I was gonna pull away before he said something.

"Have we met before?"

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