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Lexi's POV

"Thank you for tonight." I whispered, laying in Kian's arms next to him, wearing one of his long-sleeved loose shirts that smelled like his cologne.

"Thank you for going." He whispered back, planting a kiss on my temple as he played with my hair.

"Do you think it will work?" I asked, hoping he knew what I meant.

"Oh baby... if it means that I have to text or call you every second of everyday, or come to see you when you're sad, or have bouquets of roses sent to you to make you happy, I will. We'll make it work. I promise." He said, intertwining our fingers. I smiled.

"Ok, good." I said, looking up at him.

"You shouldn't even need to ask that..." He whispered with a smile. I smiled back, closing my eyes.

Kian's POV

I looked down, seeing Lexi close her eyes, as I ran my fingers through her mahogany-brown hair. God, I love this girl to pieces. As of tomorrow she'll only be here for four more days.

"I love you so much baby girl..." I said, kissing her head. And before I knew it she was out like a light...

Next Morning.

"Good morning babe."  I said, as Lexi wrapped her arms around my bare torso. She groaned in response. I smiled, wrapping my arms tighter around her small body, reaching my hands under her shirt, rubbing her back. I saw a smile creep onto her face.

"Do you wanna just have a lazy day?" I asked, hoping to get an actual response, but instead a nod.

"Okay, I'll be back then." I said, getting out of bed, her white-painted-nails hand reaching out to where I was laying.

"Don't leave." She said.

"I'm coming back, you dork." I answered. I went to the living room where we had stacks of movies filling the cabinet. I grabbed three of them, then went to the kitchen. I appeared back in my room to see Lexi in the bathroom, standing in front of the counter, fixing her hair. I set down our breakfast that was on the tray I'd found, on the bed. I went to the bathroom, wrapping my arms around her waist, leaning down and resting my head on her shoulder.

Lexi's POV

"I don't wanna leave Kian..." I said, looking at his reflection through the mirror.

"Then we won't think about it, ok?" He said with a wink. I turned around, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Okay." I said, giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"Hey..." He said, whining. I laughed, running out of the bathroom. I was careful not to bump the food on the tray, but sat on the bed, Kian hovering over me, laying me down, his face inches from mine. He stayed there for a moment.

"Oh my god, just kiss me already." I said smiling, as he closed the gap immediately, smirking into the kiss. He pulled away from the passionate make out.

"Is that better?" He asked sarcastically.

"A lot." I smiled. He got up and went over to the TV, putting in a movie. He went over to my side, as I made room so we could cuddle. He handed me my breakfast from the tray, which was French toast and fruit. As soon as the movie started, I instantly knew what it was.

"We're watching 'Tangled'?" I smiled.

"What else would we watch?" He countered, as I knew it was his favorite movie.

"God, I love you..." I laughed, my finger tracing shapes on his chest.

"I love you more." He said. We watched Tangled, and then decided that we wanted to watch another movie, so he went downstairs to find 'Mamma Mia' since it's one of my favorites. And then we watched another... and another... and by that time it was dinner, so we went downstairs still in our pajamas, and joined the roommates as we ate Chinese food.

And there goes another day with him.


only three more days left of Lexi being in LA :(

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