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Lexi's POV

"He's still breathing, we need a stretcher over here."

"The girl is breathing too. Looks like she's in shock. They're lucky, the car is destroyed."

"There's a third over here!"

"We're gonna need another ambulance."

"They don't seem to have serious injuries, but we're gonna take all of them in to check."

Kian's POV

I opened my eyes, to see bright lights above me, and I shift my eyes to see an IV in my arm.

What happened?

I lift my head up and look to my right to see a nurse adjusting some wires and tubes. She notices I'm awake and looks at me.

"How are you feeling?" She asked, some concern in her voice.

"Uh, ok I guess. What happened?" I asked, confused as I tried to sit up, but pain shot through my back.

"You were involved in a car crash a few hours ago. You three were lucky, no major injuries but your car is totaled, I'm sorry hon." She said sympathetically as she handed me a small paper cup of water. I took a sip.

"Are my friends okay?" I asked, remembering I was supposed to take Lexi to The Grove.

"Where's Lexi??" I panicked slightly, putting the water down on the little tray beside the hospital bed.

"She managed to only get by with some cuts and bruises. She was in shock when we put her in the ambulance, but she's ok now. She's been released and is in the waiting room with Justin Caylen." She explained.

"When can I see her?" I asked.

"When you're released, you should be good to go anytime you're ready. I just have to check your vitals one last time." She smiled.

"Ok." I said, as she watched the computer screen and pushed various buttons. She took my blood pressure and listened to my heart.

"Alright, so you're back might be sore for the next few days as when the crash happened, your back twisted. If it gets really bad, take some ibuprofen or advil and you should be okay." She said to me, as she gently took out the iv from my hand.

"Thank you." I said, groaning as I tried to sit up, my back aching. I noticed a clock above the door, and saw that it was 3:48 PM.

"I'll go get Lexi." She smiled. I nodded. I gave up struggling to get out of bed and just leaned back against the mattress that sat at about a 120 degree angle. I heard the doorknob turn and I turned my attention to the door. As it swung open, Lexi appears, with tear-stained cheeks and a faint smile on her face that I knew she was forcing.

"Hi babygirl..." I said smiling. She took a deep breath, walking around the bed and stopping right in front of the bed. As she got closer, I noticed scratches all along her fragile hands, and her arms, and a couple on her face. She leaned down, wrapping her arms around me, sitting on the edge of the bed. She held me tightly, and I held her tightly, not wanting to let go of her ever again. I stroked her hair, trying to comfort her.

"We're ok. Everything's ok." I said, kissing her forehead. She pulled away, taking one of my hands in both of hers, and looking down. I reached up, wiping the tears that were falling down her face. I smiled.

"There's no need to cry." I said, her eyes finally meeting mine. She smiled. A real smile this time.

"I'm just glad you're okay. I was so worried." She sighed. I looked down at her hands I was holding, cuts all the way up to her arms.

"Ready to go home?" I asked. She nodded, getting up.

"Let me help you." She said, as I wrapped my arm around her shoulders as she helped me get up.

"Shit..." I winced.

"I'm right here." Lexi said quietly as I leaned onto her shoulder.

Lexi's arm snaked around my torso as we slowly walked out of the room. She was so gentle, making sure she didn't hurt me. We found Jc in the waiting room, him also having bruises and scratches.

"Thank god, you're okay." Jc breathed out. He stood up, as he walked out the automatic doors ahead of us.

"Bobby is coming to get us." Jc said, as we all sat on the bench outside of the hospital. Lexi's arm stayed around my torso, my arm staying around her shoulder.

"Okay." I sighed. We sat in a comfortable silence.

"I'm sorry." I said, turning to look at Lexi. She looked at me, her brown eyes twinkling in the fall sun.

"For what?" She asked, as if she didn't know what I was talking about.

"I was supposed to take you and Jc to the Grove today... we were gonna have fun." I felt so bad.

"It's okay, Kian. As long as I'm with you, wherever we are whether it's a hospital or the Grove, I'm happy." She smiled.

"I-" I was about to say something but was cut off when I saw a familiar car- Jc's car- pull up to the parking area in front of us. A door could be heard opening and Bobby walked over to us.

"Ready to go home?" He asked.


Lexi's POV

I helped Kian go upstairs to his room, which wasn't an easy task, but we got it done. Currently, I'm downstairs getting an ice pack and some painkillers for Kian.

"Lex..." I heard the only other female in the house' voice.

"Hey Fran." I smiled, holding an ice pack in one hand and a bottle of ibuprofen in the other.

"How are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm ok. Kian...not so much." I smiled a little.

"I heard... we should do something together in the next few days. You know- have a girls day." She suggested.

"I would love that." I smiled at her.

"Ok. Now go take care of him." She winked. I laughed, walking by her to go upstairs.

"Love you Franny." I called over my shoulder.

"Love you too." She called back. My smile faded when I walked into Kian's room. He was laying there in his bed, looking straight up as a few tears crept down his cheeks.

"Kian..." I sighed. I put the things down on the nightstand by his bed. I lifted up the blankets, crawling in next to him. I put my head on his chest, wrapping myself around him. His arms found their way around my waist.

"I love you." I whispered, listening to his heart beat.

"I love you more...." He whispered back, wiping the tears from his face.


only 2 more days in la for lexi :(


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