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Friday... the day.

Lexi's POV

"Are you sure you have everything??" Erika shouted to my room. I sat down on my suitcase, forcing it to close so I could zip it up.

"Yes, positive!" I yelled, standing up and grabbing my purse, while rolling my bag out of my room and to the front door.

"Then let's get you to LOS ANGELES TO KIAN!!" She exaggerated the last part.

"Oh my gosh when will you get it into your head that I'm not gonna be in a relationship with him?" I asked, as the past few days she's been gushing about how cute Kian and I would be together. It's not like he'd want to date me anyways, I mean I'm just another fan...

"Oh my gosh, I won't, because you have a MAJOR chance with him!" She smiled, as we walked out the door to her car. I got my luggage into the trunk and we got in.

"And what makes you think that?" I questioned, as she pulled out of the parking garage and headed to the airport. Since our apartment was in the city, the airport was a short, fifteen minute commute.

"Three valid reasons?" She asked, our routine when one of us doubts something the other says.

"Yep. Shoot." I commanded.

"Okay. Number one; You were the one fan out of the hundreds of thousands that entered and you got picked. I think that itself is pretty incredible. Number two; he followed you and messaged you on Twitter after you were selected. If he didn't care at all about you, or show any interest, he wouldn't have followed or messaged you. And lastly, number three; you will be spending the following week with him, and of course his roommates, and will most likely be with him at least twelve hours out of twenty four, resulting in spending AT THE LEAST 85 hours with him. Conclusion- you do have a great chance to be with the famous-in-your-heart Kian Lawley. Case closed girl." She concluded. I took in what she said.

Oh, right, I forgot to mention that Kian and I stayed up late talking to each other on Twitter. Oopsie daises...

"You know what Erika? You're right." I nodded.

"Exactly, I told-"

"BUT I will not get my hopes up because although it's a big chance, there's also the chance I don't. And I am kinda dating Chance." I stated firmly, implanting that in both of our brains. Hopefully especially E's, and that it didn't go in one ear and out the other.

"Ok, ok I get it." She surrendered. My phone 'dinged' with a Twitter notification. I read it from my homescreen.

@KianLawley :
9:07 a.m.
        excited to meet our girl today ♥ :)

"You good Lex?" She asked, me not knowing why until I realized I was grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh, uh yeah! I was just... reading Kian's tweet." I sighed with a smile.

"What does it say??" She eagerly asked.

I quoted his tweet; "It says 'excited to meet our girl today'."

"Oooh is that all?" She sounded surprised.

"There's also a smiley face." I added.

"And that's all?" She questioned, thinking that was the whole tweet.

"FINE THERE'S A HEART TOO." I said quickly.

"Bingo! HEARTS ARE IMPORTANT LEXI!" She exclaimed excitedly. The remainder of the drive was spent talking about when my flight was going to depart, land in LA, etc. We reached the airport and Erika parked momentarily along the departures level entrance. I gathered my two bags- suitcase and my purse and she and I looked at each other. I wrapped my arms tightly around her shoulders.

"I'll miss you girl." She whispered.

"I'll miss you more, E" We let go of each other.

"Text or call me every day! And have fun!" She said, before I started to walk into the building.

"I will! Bye, girly." I called out to her, turning my back and walking inside. I went through the baggage drop off, security, and made it to my gate. The plane should start boarding in around fifteen minutes. I went onto Twitter and started a new tweet.

10:46 a.m.
         About to get on the plane to see @kianandjc @KianLawley ♡

A few minutes later, I had 3 notifications:

Kian Lawley liked your tweet
Kian Lawley replied to your tweet: we're so excited :) bobby and I are picking u up!
Jc Caylen replied to your tweet: this week gonna b fun :))))))

I liked their replies.

"Attention West Jet passengers for flight 8606 to Los Angeles, California. We will now begin boarding passengers in zone one." I looked at my boarding pass, seeing that I was in zone one. I walked up to the desk, where the woman scanned my boarding pass. Once, she handed it back, I started walking through the tunnel, and looked at my seat. Seat 5A

Did they seriously put me in first class? I asked myself, stepping on the plane and walking to the last row of first class. I sat down at the window seat and took my purse off, sliding it under the seat in front of me. I put my phone to airplane mode and found my earbuds, tangled in a ball as always. I listened to my music and dozed off. 

"We are now starting our descent. Local time is 12:05. Temperature sitting at 78○." The captain's voice over the speakers woke me up.

We landed and I got off the plane, and I have to admit I'm reallyyyyyyy excited to see the boys but I'm also hella nervous. I made it into LAX and following the signs, made my way towards the baggage claim. There was just an escalator you had to go down that overlooked the room. I immediately spotted Kian and Bobby, as I could pick them out of the not so crowded space easily. I felt my heart rate going faster. When I reached the bottom of the escalator, they waved to me, and I waved back. I approached them with probably the biggest smile on my face. Sorry but I couldn't help it, I was too excited. (A/N lol what)

"Hey Lexi!" Kian said smiling, pulling me into an embrace. I hugged him back.

"Hey." I said.

"Hi Lexi." Bobby said, hugging me too. "Hi!" I said.

"This is honestly so surreal right now." I said to them, causing smiles from both.

"Do you see your bag yet?" Bobby asked, as we all walked close to the carousel. I scanned the bags going around in circles. 

"Yes! It's that blue one." I pointed, as Kian stepped forward to grab it.

"Thanks." I said to him, pulling the handle up, as we walked toward the doors.

"Everyone's really excited to meet you." Kian said with a wink, helping me with my bag, our hands overlapping. 

"I'm excited to meet them too. I was especially excited to meet you." I laughed a little, looking down. He put his index finger under my chin, lifting it up.

"Don't be nervous, it's cute." He laughed.

Hope you liked it and it was everything you I imagined it would be ;) jk

But I hope it was ok!


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