CHAPTER 12-The Escape

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Everything is hard before it becomes easy. 

LoG, 119

"If we can't catch Squinty, this is a way to punish her. You know how much she covets this stupid doll. Everywhere she goes, she drags that rabbit with her, like a little fool she is," Squinty could hear Enoka say.

Then they both turned to her, and she froze in place. Her face simmered with hatred, dejectedness, and anxiety.

"Isn't that right darling?" Enoka sneered at Squinty. "Does the baby want her cute plush toy?"

"Give him back," Squinty said, holding out her hand.

"So it's 'him' now? Don't flatter yourself, Squinty. You say he's yours, but you only got him cuz you found him first on top of a pile of stinky and rotten toys. You have no claim to him," Sien laughed. "Also, it's about time you grew up."

Both their slander and their fingers gripping her toy disgusted Squinty.

Mr Big Ears was hers; he was the core of her being. The rabbit was a sponge which absorbed all her late-night words, thoughts, and tears, her fears, doubts, and memories. A wooden drawer in which she stored the most covert secrets of her mind.

If they take him away from me ... It's like they're pulling me out of this body. It's like I'll have nothing left. I won't give him to them! He is mine. He is me. But how ... How can I snatch him away?

Squinty thought about Grizzly for a moment. The War Dog wasn't far.  She stopped herself before going to the hole to bring him. If he comes in here ... they'll realise there was a gap through which he entered. They'll figure out I made it. They'll close it, strengthen the security measures. I would never leave here. I have to take Mr Big Ears away by myself. But how?

To gain time, she began talking to them. "Vadrifa won't like this."

Although Squinty knew it was true, she also knew Vadrifa would do nothing. She was only a figure, an elderly figure at that, who had no real authority. Vadrifa did tedious work of reading the papers on the orphans and closing up their adoption cases. That was all.

Sien and Enoka snorted. "She won't like what? That two Elder Orphans are late to enter The Orphanage? Also, late for their Second Meal? She'll think we were right to tell you off. And even if she doesn't ... Other Governesses will convince her it's for the best." Sien was practical.

"You should have stopped yourself on time, dear. You should have held that damn tongue," Enoka added. "Did you have to open your mouth, to provoke us? To spill your poison? Now, you'll deal with the consequences. But how to teach you a lesson?" Enoka stroked her chin in a pensive manner. "You can't receive any more punches, and educational measures in the Orphanage require us to discipline you somehow. I know! We'll take away youw wittle bunny!" she clapped her hands.

"No!" Squinty screamed, jumping on Enoka. 

Just when she thought she would snatch Mr Big Ears away from her, Sien separated from Enoka and she passed him the toy. Squinty found herself in the middle, hobbling from one to the other, barking and cowering like a dog. The plush trinket was flying as a distorted ball in a twisted imitation of a child's game. I can't ... Take it anymore...

Breathless, powerless and shattered, she almost fell on the ground. Defiance made her remain on her feet.

Then Squinty threw herself at one of them, the one who was closest to her. She didn't know who it was. Everything turned into a whirlwind of hands and feet. Squinty pummeled the person with her tiny fists, biting and grunting.

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