CHAPTER 36-The Cheetah

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I have gained the power to create and destroy worlds. Now my vision lacks the power it once had. Why save this world when I can create a new one? 

No, no. No! I must stay on track.

LoG, 431

If they need a hiding place, why don't they go to the underground tunnels? Drian thought. Before he could say anything else, Loko continued to speak.

That mind reading again. The Bear did it too.

"We are not welcome underground."

"My best friend is The Leader of The Wellers in the village of  Bronze Cliff. You wouldn't know it; it's a small border town near Begi. They left to join the infantry of the city of Begi. Their tunnels remain uninhabited. You could..."

"The Wellers consider us blood enemies," the old white-headed bird interrupted him.

"You ... Have you been in contact with them?" Drian asked in astonishment.

"We are them," Loko replied. "Or rather, we were, before we became The Shape Changers," he added.

"Deep in the ground, searching for the veins of water ..." his voice was now dreamy and distant. "It is not known exactly when, but one Weller found something he did not hope for. The fever ravaged his body, and then the first transformation took place. An unfortunate young man did not know what was happening to him. He could not overcome his hunger. He attacked and devoured his Weller brother. Therefore he was expelled from his family. In time, there have been other such cases. The Shape Changers, as they have since called us, were forced to form The Settlement. As The Big Ones went on ... We realised that the state was ... inheritable."

"Today ... You don't eat human beings anymore?" Drian inquired with a slight tremor. He remembered how close he was to sinking his teeth into his helpless father's neck. Who knows what might have happened if Malik hadn't discouraged me from doing that?

Malik was the one who spoke next, with a characteristic mocking tone. "Apparently not, dumbass, because you'd have already been quartered." Then the bird muttered, looking at Loko, "I still don't understand how he was assigned to me," as if trying to apologise.

"No, Drian, son of Nalon, we don't do it anymore. We could," a dangerous gleam glittered in his irises. "We don't do it because we chose not to. It is not our goal to hurt another human being. The Shape Changers of this Settlement are divided into two groups. A group of fruit and vegetable growers and a group of hunters. The hunters occasionally transform to hunt. Therefore, "normal animals" are afraid of us and flee from us. Fruit and vegetable growers go to smaller surrounding settlements every so often in human form and exchange food for water. I hope that this training with Belka will teach you how to control your shape. And until then ..." Loko shut his eyelids as if meditating, "do try to refrain from transformation." His voice obtained a warning, patronising tone. 

Drian swallowed and nodded. He didn't like the conversation topic at all. Also, he didn't enjoy imagining himself quartering and devouring somebody.  Drian decided to turn the course of the story in the other direction. "I want to go to The Place of Power as soon as possible." He surprised himself with the firmness and determination of his voice. He was trembling on the inside, but on the outside, Drian radiated calmness.

"And I want a bowl of corn every day," Malik snickered from his shoulder, "and I don't believe someone will bring it to me only because I asked for it. I don't think you're in a position to demand anything. The Settlement can become a mighty friend or a mighty foe to you."

"You brought me here with a promise they would heal my father!" Drian hollered. "The only reason I left him alone in that hospital room at the threshold of The Second Water War was because you told me I could save him if I came here! And now ..."His face shivered as he tried to breathe.

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