CHAPTER 9-The Confrontation

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Another week goes by and no progress. This isn't going fast enough. If only they'd listen!

LoG, 101

Grizzly had already disappeared behind the Orphanage stone wall before Sien and Enoka even got the chance to react further.

"And what exactly are you two doing out here?" They heard the wicked voice of The Elder Orphan Sien. "I'm dying to find out."

"I was interested as well, I must confess," Enoka added. She appeared behind Sien's back and embraced him.

Squinty slowly released the collar of Roko's patched up blouse and stood beside him. Her arms relaxed next to her body. She was carefully watching each of the Sien and Enoka's movements under her charcoal hair. Each of her nerves screamed "caution!"

The two were alone in The Courtyard, with two Elder Orphans. Whatever happened between them ... Would stay between them. And that's what sent shivers down Squinty's spine. 

They can do anything they want to us now. Everything will remain on the "upbringing of younger orphans."

Sien approached first, at a steady and official pace. "Well? What were you talking about?" He pinched Roko's arm. 

Tears of sheer pain coated boy's cheeks. Roko winced. "Nothing. Nothing at all. We were just playing," he muttered through his clenched teeth.

"Well, now it's game over, kid. And it was over long before. Are you saying you didn't hear us while we were calling you? You are the last two orphans who were supposed to get into the building. Or now you don't even care about rules anymore? You do what you want; you stay in The Courtyard as long as you want? Huh? Is that it?" Sien shook Roko. 

Roko's knees bent as he staggered forward.

Squinty remained mute. I can't move. I have to be smart, to stay calm. Already, during the First Meal, I violated the law of the Orphanage.

Enoka waddled over to Roko and caressed his cheek in a mocking fashion. "Come on, Sien," she laughed lovingly at her boyfriend. "Don't be like that. It's young love. Right, kid? You want to hide that from us? Your first kiss? She's a little old for you, but she probably has her own ... Hmm ... charms. Long dark hair, mysticism, intrigue, everything is there ... Not to mention she's become quite a rogue since I see you everywhere together. That's why you like her, don't you, little one? With her help, you can get all kinds of delicious foods from the larder ... Today she brought you an apple for The First Meal. You have to start somehow."

Squinty's stomach twisted in a knot from Enoka's words. She couldn't bear such an amount of lies and abominable hints. He is just a child, she thought, disgusted.

"Like you," she whispered, looking Enoka right in the eye.

"What did you say?" A pot-bellied red-haired girl rushed over to Squinty.

"You started that way too, didn't you? With the help of your friends from The Market Square... You got all kinds of delicious foods," Squinty mimicked the sweetness in Enoka's voice.

"What's she talking about?" Sien inquired, frowning.

"Absolutely nothing, darling. Can't you see she is making it all up? The brat wants to draw attention to herself," Enoka's face clearly reflected her agitation.

"Think about it, "dear". Try to figure out what I'm saying. Oh wait, your brain isn't working because of all that strot," Squinty said, pulling Roko by the hand. He didn't resist her grasp, and they both headed toward the entrance to The Orphanage.

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