CHAPTER 10-The Farewell Ceremony

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I gave myself up to this cause. Now there is hardly any of me left.

LoG, 196

The Bottom was a vast, empty circular surface, hard-packed by so many feet that wore it off on a daily basis. Around the flat square, the pillars of earth raised and sealed it, like solid walls. Those walls were filled with many symmetrical holes. 

It didn't take too long for Drian to conclude that these holes were tunnels. There's nothing more. Just this.

"You expected more?" Liton seemed curious to hear his opinion.

"Well ... " Drian didn't want to seem impolite.

"Speak your mind freely."

"Yes, I thought there would be something ... else."

"And what more do we need, Drian? Here is The Bottom on which, when necessary, I call a meeting, and the whole community gathers. Here are The Tunnels, in which we are born. Here, we search for water, we eat, we search for water, we fuck, we search for water, we sleep, we search for water, we live, we search for water, and we die. Earth is all we need. Earth, and water."

"There is no notion of a house?" Drian was perplexed.

"No. During the digging, every Weller finds himself a tunnel he likes and extends it into a hole in which he sleeps later. Sometimes, to make it more comfortable in their lair, people amass dry grass in there. Still, for many, it's enough to sleep on soft soil."

"Children live with their parents, I suppose?" Drian inquired. "Family burrows are wider and bigger than the non-family ones, aren't they?"

"Children live with their parents up to the age of six. After that, they choose their own way. It's not a rare occurrence that couples, who quickly merged to reproduce and expand the community, later depart from each other. But they can't go far," Liton said with a smile. "We are all one big family here. I think with Kela, I have two or three children." he scratched his head. "I never know the exact number. I don't even recognise them in that dirty-faced crowd. She takes care of the pups, and she always knows where each of them is."

"I don't like the way those kids are growing up. Don't you worry at all that something could happen to them?" Drian accused him.

"Drian. Why should I take care of children? Children are small people. They are the same as we are. They only lack two things. Physical strength and experience. And they get both. On their own, in time. As they dig, grow and develop, they strengthen. They move in time and space and gain experience of the outside world."

"Wouldn't it be easier for them to be more protected? At least in the beginning? For the experience to be taught to them?"

"No. My way is the free rein and absence of control. Parents should allow their children to live their lives, to choose the tunnel they will head for. Parents will surely not determine this. There is no need to impose our choices on them. My son is not me. Or my copy. Many times kids discover a new tunnel or come across a new reserve of water, guided by pure instinct. It's useful for the community, as you can see for yourself," The King of the Tunnels concluded.

"And what if ... When someone dies? How?..."

"How is the body stored?" Liton responded instead of waiting for him to complete the question.

Drian nodded.

"In that tunnel. It's the Tunnel of Glory," Liton pointed towards an opening that, as Drian could have noticed, differed from others.

It's much broader, Drian realised.

"What do you mean, in the tunnel?" Drian didn't quite understand.

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