CHAPTER 26-The Black Panther

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What is a human anyway if you take their capacity to think, to be self-aware?

Nothing, an animal.

LoG, 18

Of all the unknown scents and sounds that surrounded him, the black panther could only recognise that irritating voice. It was the sole thing he could understand, only this calmed him down.

He instinctively obeyed the speaker.

He bared his fangs and stepped away from his prey. The mangled body was twitching in a vain, in a helpless attempt to stand up, until it finally settled down on the floor. Then the panther started to pace forward and backwards. He was feeling trapped. His brilliant eyes were scouting the inside of the room; he was looking for a high place to climb.

The lean black animal noticed a window sill; he got on top of it and jumped out the window.

The panther heard the cursing behind and concluded that the strange black bird followed him. He didn't pay too much attention to this.

Several humanoids with torches stood close by to him and talked. When they saw him, they let out piercing screams. After regaining their composure, they waved torches in front of them in a threatening manoeuvre.

The panther would have preferred to feast on their delicious flesh, but the reflection of the flame burned his pupils, warning him. The prudent animal retreated, bouncing backwards. More people were coming now, gathering at the dwelling from which he came. All those people were troubled and brought noise, light and fire.

The panther stumbled into the dark alley and merged with the environment. He sensed claws on his back and engaged in a warning snarl.

"Come on, what's wrong with you, you idiot? It's me, "Mina!" the bird screeched. "Mina as in ... Right now, I am your just about only means of communication with the outside world."

The black beast opened its jaw widely. He murmured with a deep bass: "Get out of the way, little one, so I won't have to swallow you in one bite."

"Ooh, look who's finally grown some balls. But let me tell you something. That's not how we're gonna play, Drian! You transform once and you all of a sudden think you're the most important person ever." Mina shrieked. Nevertheless, the bird flew away towards a nearby window. He was now watching the black panther from a decent distance.

"Who is this ... Drian ... you are talking about?" The big cat shook his head.

"This Drian is you, empty head."

"Watch what you're saying!" the panther easily jumped to the window sill, covering the bird's tail with a paw. He snorted, entertained by the scene. The mynah bird that was simultaneously trying to get rid of the unpleasant situation and to save his own tail did look rather funny.

"Okay, okay! You've won! Rewind, let's go back in time ... Lemme go and I'll explain everything." Mina struggled frantically.

"And how about you explain everything first, you little-feathered beast." A deep laughter erupted from the panther's throat. "I will then, if your explanation pleases me, let you go."

"Sure, sure. We can do it that way too," replied the black ball with an orange beak.

"You may begin." the panther rose and looked at mynah with interest.

The bird coughed, cleared its throat and recited. "Your name is Drian. You are Nalon's son, a Junior Abbot and a Man of Cloth. You are extremely dedicated to The Mind and The Fount."

"You mean, I'm a human cub." That amused the king of darkness.

"Yeah! Don't you remember? You like ... to paint and ...," the panther's jaws approached, "your best friends are Ula and Liton, the daughter of Village Chief and The Leader of the Wellers!" the bird screamed.

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