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Axel had immediately reacted and hugged me back. I then look up at him with a confused expression. "Sorry, it has just been awhile and I didn't want to die." Axel explains with a small smile playing across his lips. I then hear my captain clap his hands and say

"Welcome back, C.C.P."

Something inside me just snaps and I run away. "Aw come on, you know what you are! Accept it!" He yells at me. That statement then causes tears to swell up in my eyes, resulting in my vision to blurring. What is wrong with me? I usually can stand all of this. I had stopped in the middle of somewhere to catch my breath. I then look around at my surroundings and realize, I'm lost. I then hear a growling come from behind me. I gulp and turn around to see...a brown bear. Oh crap. The bear then starts making advances towards me, in response I start slowing walking backwards, matching the bear's steps. I then feel something sharp bump into me, I glance behind me quickly and see that I am backed up against a wooden fence. Wait a minute, a wooden fence wouldn't be sharp. I then reach behind me, keeping my eyes on the bear, I can feel my machine gun still hanging around me. I smirk then pull the gun around, taking the safety off. The bear then stops in it's tracks and stares at me. It then... sits down? I raise an eyebrow and the bear lays down, putting it's paw out in front. I notice that the bear had barbed wire wrapped around it's leg and broken stake in it's paw. I drop the gun to my side and walk up to the bear slowly. Once I reach the bear, I stick out my hand for it to smell. It then growls a bit so I pull down my mask. The bear then sniffs my hand and nods it head. "It's ok." I whisper to it while pulling out my multipurpose tool that Chase had given to me. Using the cutters I cut the wire and slowly unwrap it, I then pull out the stake. Once I was done taking everything off of it, I then grab some bandages that I used earlier and got put in my pocket. It was there because I was healing someone who had gotten whipped by accident by Buck. I take the bandage and wrap it around the bear's leg and cut it, tying it off at the end. Once finished I stood up and the bear had also stood up with me. Now realizing the full height and largeness of the bear I figured that this bear was a male.

We then hear the sound of someone stepping on a stick. Brownie (what I named the bear) then protectively turned around, standing in front of me. I then see Axel, Buck, Reap, and Carter all walk out from behind a bunch of trees. When they spot me, not seeing Brownie yet, they all start running towards me. When they reached the clearing they see him and they all immediately stop in their tracks. "C.C.P., walk towards us slowly." Buck says quietly. I pull up my mask and walk in front of Brownie. I then crouch down to eye level with Brownie.

"It's ok, Brownie. They are my friends." I tell him. He lets out a growl in response. I get up and walk over to the guys. "It's fine. Brownie just needed help. Plus, if I was in danger, I have my gun still." I state and start walking out of the woods. Brownie starts following, the boys follow after him.

When we arrive back at the base, I turn around face Brownie. "Brownie, as much as I want to bring you with me, I can't. You need to go back into the woods." I tell the brown bear. He growls and turns around, walking back into the woods after glancing at me a few times.

"Now, I have came across a few bears in my life time, but none like that." I hear Buck say underneath his breath.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, but I will have another out tomorrow. This is short because I decided to split the chapter into two different one.

Syd out.

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