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*Carter's P.O.V.* 

I walk into the small town local mall at a brisk pace, to get away from Lily before the realizes something is wrong. When I had gotten on her phone to call my little bro back home, I had accidentally went into her texts and saw a message that was sent from a blocked number and it  was a death threat. I fiddle with my thumbs as I follow behind the other guys who were heading towards the food court. I decided against getting food because I was too nervous to eat, so I sat down at an empty table. A few minutes later, Lily, Reap, Buck, and Axel had came over and sat down with me, following them was the rest of the core who pulled up another table and sat down.

"So what should we do?" One of the guys asked, leaning back and stuffing his face with his waffle fries. 

"I saw a tattoo parlor at the front, we should all go get one." Another one  of the guys suggested.

"I'm in, how about you guys?" Buck says with a smirk on his face and the core responds with a series of nods.

"I don't know..." Reap say glancing over at Lily.

"You a coward?" Lily responds with a challenging smirk "You've seen my huge tattoo, I can handle it." 

"Alrighty then, let's do this." Axel yells out and all the guys cheer, I joined them because why not.

They finished food and then we were off to the parlor. 

A/N: Sorry, I decided just to write a few paragraphs and I wanted to let you know that I will not be posting again until after Christmas. My birthday is Monday and I have mid-terms all next week, so I won't be able to update. Once again, Sorry, Merry Christmas!

Syd out.

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