Chapter One

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A/N- sorry for the really really bad summary. I don't do summaries D: Hope you like it :D


"Shut up Vic," I pushed him slightly. He grinned at me and pushed me back. I grabbed the edge of the bed so I wouldn't go flying. He laughed at my struggle. It wasn't my fault I was ten pounds underweight. It wasn't like I wanted to be, but I had a disease that kept me overly skinny. A lot of girls are jealous of me, but I don't like it. I don't have any curves or any of that. Whatever.

"Nah. Truth or dare?" Vic poked my arm. I made a thinking face. Vic rolled his eyes at my joking matter. I bit my lip to stop from laughing. I tried to keep a stern thinking face, but it wasn't working so well. Vic pushed me again.

"Hurry up May," Vic forced me to grab the edge of the bed again. Vic was the only one who could call me May and I would allow it. I was very self-conscious about my name. I hated in actually. Maybel. It wasn't a normal name. I wanted a name that was common and pretty. Vic always fought me about it. He thought my name was 'unique.' It was unique, but I didn't like unique.

"You there May?" Vic groaned. I got lost in my thoughts. Oops. I wanted to pick dare, but knowing Vic he would make me twerk or something.

"Truth," I finally answered.

"Chicken," Vic provoked me. I glared at him. I was not a chicken, I just didn't want to twerk. Was that to much to ask for?

"Shut up," I mumbled and crossed my arms. I gave him my pouty face and he rolled his eyes. I laughed. I loved Vic so much. In the best friend way of course. We have been best friends since I was six. I am now twenty. He is twenty-one. We have been close ever since we met. We went to school together as well. When we were younger, his little brother Mike was part of our little friendship circle, but something happened and it all ended. Well between Mike and I at least. I didn't ever get a chance to ask what though.

"What's the biggest dick you've seen?" Vic raised an eyebrow at me and bit his lip stopping himself from laughing. I sneered at him and blushed. He knew that the only dick I had seen was my boyfriend's and his. Now don't take that the wrong way. Vic was taking a shit and I didn't know, so I walked in. It was a total accident, but Vic held me against it.

"My boyfriend's dick," I stuck my tongue out. I could feel the anger from Vic's hand shake the bed. He hated when people called his dick small indirect or direct. One of his ex's did and I had to talk him out of going to her and punching her.

"His dick is the size of a goddamn baby carrot!" Vic waved his hands in the air. I covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing. That was the best insult ever, even if it wasn't true.

"How would you know that Vic," I raised an eyebrow at him. He slowly moved away from me. If he moved one more inch he would be off the bed. I followed his movements of scooting on the bed. If I pushed him far enough he would fall. I grinned as he moved himself once.

"Shit!" Vic went to grab for something as he fell off the bed. I burst out laughing at his failure. He pouted it.

"My butt hurts, kiss it!" He stood up and stuck his butt in my face. I slapped it and he rubbed it again. I rolled my eyes and went on my side of the bed. He crawled back on and got comfortable.

"Truth or dare?" I asked Vic.

"Truth," He said in an instant.

"Chicken!" I pointed at him and he went to bite my finger. I pulled it back instantly and glared at him. He wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"It's not the same. I've picked dare before. You haven't," Vic pointed out. He liked to be right. A lot. I sighed and ignored his comment.

"Where's Mike?" I tilted my head. Vic's normal grin instantly went straight.

"I change my mind. I want dare," Vic avoided the question. He HATED when I asked about his brother.

"Too late. Tell me," I fought back. I was curious. We never talked to him and I felt like he felt negectled. I've known these boys since they were literally children. I saw Mike go through puberty. I was there when Mike had his first kiss. Mike told me about all his little crushes in middle school. Then it went down the drain. As soon as Mike went into high school he started to smoke and do weed and drink every day. Vic and I tried to convince him not to, but it didn't work. He didn't care what we had to say. Our little 'three best friends' group was broken.

"I don't know and I don't care," Vic answered which interrupted my thoughts.

"Vic..." I didn't know how to answer him. Mike was still our little best friend. We could get him back. I knew we could. We just needed to push a little more. While Vic was a senior and I was junior, Vic gave up. He gave up trying to stop Mike from all his rebellious ways. I was still trying.

"He is gone. He isn't going to be 'saved.' We just need to forget him," Vic slammed is hand on the bed. If it wasn't a soft bed, it would have made a huge sound.

"Vic..." I repeated myself not really sure what to say. Vic was completely wrong. We could save him from his rebellious ways.

"May, stop. We need to stop pretending that Mike will get better. It's been six years since Mike went downhill. He is a fucking snowball of trouble that won't stop rolling. We should just get over it," Vic sighed.

"But-" I started, but Vic cut me off.

"Maybel you have been here when he is high. You have been here when he is drunk. You have been here when he has brought girls over. It's not going to end anytime soon. We just need to look over our past. I'm sorry May. We can't keep searching for a so called 'cure' anymore." Vic ran his head through his hair and looked away awkwardly. I sighed in defeat. When Vic called me Maybel that meant he was mad.

I cuddled up ad slid under the covers. Vic's strong arms wrapped me and I drifted off.

A/N- HEYYYYYYY!!!! HERE IS MY PTV FANFIC!!!!! Chapters will get longer!!!! I swear!!!! Love you guys <333                                                                                                                                                                               

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