Chapter Twenty Nine

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A/N- 2000 READS WOOP WOOP!!! Anyways, hope you like


"It feels weird not having to make vegan eggs for one of my friends," I continued to make the eggs. Robin had fought with me for twenty minutes over who would make breakfast, but since I was the guest, I believed I needed to make breakfast.

"Hurry up. I want to get you over there as fast as possible," I set down a plate of eggs for Robin.

"Wow Robin," I giggled, "I didn't know you wanted me out so bad." I took my own seat.

"No," I heard wordiness in Robin's voice, "I just want you to- I want to help- I want to." I couldn't hold in my laugh anymore. I burst into a fit of laughed and dropped my fork on the plate.

"I'm sorry," I calmed down a bit, "I know it's rude to laugh, but you got so worried. Trust me, I'm anxious to leave too."

"Asshole," Robin whispered and grinned at me. I rolled my eyes and finished up my eggs. I was all ready for the day. Well, for either a complete fail or a success.

"Well," I grabbed both our dirty plates and washed them off, "I'm ready to head the house. All the boys should be up. I'm nervous though." I sighed and set down the dishes.

"I know, I would be too. You have to do this though because if you don't, you will never be close with them again." Robin grabbed my hand and smiled at me. i knew he was right. I knew that in the end I was going to have to talk to them.

"I'm ready,"


"You got this," Robin rubbed my back. I nodded trying to convince myself the same. I was shaking like crazy and my breathing wasn't normal. I was tapping my hand on my leg like crazy. It was a bad habit I had when I was nervous.

"I got this," I opened the door and whispered to myself. I continued to try and convince myself that everything was going to be okay. It was hard. After everything I had caused, I wouldn't be suprised if they guys hated me.

"I got this," I reached the porch and stared at the door. I couldn't tell if anyone was home considering the lights were off. Normally they kept the lights off though. I took a deep breath and went up the stairs. I felt my whole body shaking like crazy. I couldn't stop shaking.

"You got this," I whispered once more before knocking on the door. I knew Vic didn't like when people rang the doorbell early in the morning.

"No, we don't want your-" Jaime stopped talking as he looked at me. I looked at him and felt myself start to freak out. He hated me. I knew he hated me. I knew it. They all hated me. I could tell in his eyes.

"Come in," Jaime moved out of the way. I didn't know what to say, so I entered the house. i sat on the couch feeling like a complete stranger. The house seemed different. It felt unknown to me. A place I had been to a million times, but I couldn't recognize anything.

"You come to apologize?" I heard Jaime ask. I looked at him still too nervous to talk.

"I guess," I whispered. Jaime smiled a little and shook his head.

"I love Maybells. I will forever love you. I will love you until I die. You have been with me through thick and thin. Even if I hate you the day I die, I will still love you and hope that you come to my funeral. I want you to attend my wedding and I want my kids to call you Aunty Maybells. I do, I really really do Maybell, but right now Maybell, I don't want anything to do with you. You ruined a friendship, a brothership, and almost a relationship. You broke my best friends hearts and now they won't do anything with us. We don't want you here right now Maybell. We need space."

I felt my heart shatter. I nodded at Jaime not sure how to even comprehend what he just said. Jaime and I stayed silent for a little before Jaime went towards his room. I was left in the living room alone and my whole body was numb.

"Bella?" I heard Tony. I let go of the air I was holding in my cheeks. Tony might have been mad at us, but I knew he would try and cheer me up. He always did no matter how angry we were with each other.

"Hi Tony," I looked at him. He looked surprised and sad. He walked over at me and sat next to me on the couch.

"Why are you here?"

"To get lectured by Jaime," I chuckled. Tony didn't laugh though. He just stared at me and shook his head like Jaime did.

"You messed up. You hurt everyone in this household. Mike was pissed at me last night and wouldn't talk to me. It's your fault hun. We all still love you to death. We will forever, but like Jaime said, we need space. I suggest you give us a week or something. All this drama needs to stop right now," Tony sighed. I nodded and looked away.

"I'm sorry," I looked at the ground.

"Me too," Tony got up and walked off. Once again I was alone. There might have been people in the house, but I was alone. I was so alone right now. It was like a whirling pit of darkness that I couldn't escape. I wanted to march out of that house right now, but I needed to see Mike and Vic. It was the main reason I came here. I came to see the Fuentes brother.

I heard the door open and my heart stopped. I knew one of them was walking in right now and I knew they were going to hate me when they saw me.

"Maybell?" I heard the strong Spanish accent kick in. The accent only kicked in when he was angry. I felt my heart speed up as I saw him. Michael Fuentes with some bimbo.

"Hi Mike."


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