Chapter Nine

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"Two weeks, damn," Ally looked at me. I nodded slowly and wiped my tears once again. It had been two weeks since I said a word to Travis and he was leaving for his tour tomorrow. I wanted to talk to him, but every time I tried too, I failed. I missed him so much. I missed seeing him on Saturday mornings with the boys. I missed Charles daydreaming about that Alli Speed girl. I was going to miss out on being her friend. I was going to miss Coley's news reporter voice. I was going to miss Hunter's corny jokes that annoyed everyone, but I secretly enjoyed. It wasn't going to be the same. I wasn't going to call Travis everyday while he is on tour.

"I can't do this," I cried into Ally's shoulder. She sighed and rubbed my back.

"We can eat ice cream and call porn shops." she whispered into my ear. I laughed and cried at the same time. She wiggled her phone in my face. I shook my head finally smiling. I walked over to the kitched and grabbed one of the boxes of chocolates that was labeled 'Tony.' The boys always labeled their food, and I always stole it. The only difference was now they weren't getting mad at me. They all pittied me for my loss.

"So, those porn shops? How about them?" Ally followed me into the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and threw a chocolate into my mouth.

"Tony is going to get mad. You know he loves those," Ally scolded me. I laughed and threw another one into my mouth before packing them up.

"I'll buy him more," I placed them back where they belonged. Ally shook her head and set down her phone.

"What do you think I should wear on my date with Jaime?" she asked me. I gasped.

"He asked you out?!?!" I squealed. She laughed and shook her head.

"Not yet, but I can see it coming. I'm a fortune teller," she grinned widely at me. I stared at her with a blank expression.

"I hate you. You got me too excited," I held back a smile before walking over to the guest room which I had completely taken over. I didn't have a place to stay, so the boys offered me the room.  had been staying here longer than needed, but it was my only place I could stay. I was planning on going to visit my apartment when Travis went on tour.

"Hello?!" I heard someone scream. I poked my head out of the guest room to see Jaime. Ally was already hugging him. It was cute. I went back into my room and started to pick the clothes off the ground. I threw them in my backpack. I was planning on leaving tonight. I wasn't sure where I was going, but I felt like an intruder here.

"Is a wild Maybells here?" I heard Jaime say in a sing-song voice.

"Here Hime-Time," I sang back. He laughed and ran into the guest room. He looked around for a second.

"Excuse me miss, where are your clothes," he raised an eyebrow at me. I sighed and shook my head at him.

"I'm getting out of your hair Jaime," I started to clean off the dresser where my hairbrush was located. All of a sudden Jaime grabbed my hands and spun me so I was facing him.

"Where would you be going?" He asked me seriously. It was weird to see Jaime all serious. He was goofball and this wasn't normal.

"Probably back to my apartment," I lied. I couldn't go back there. Travis was staying there and I wasn't going to barge in like that. I was probably going to just sleep in my car, but I needed to do it. They had been taking care of me for too long.

"Sure hun. And I can fly. You aren't bothering us and we don't mind you hear. If anything, we like it," Jaime rubbed my back. I shook my head and looked at my feet feeling awkward now.

"I love you boys, but this is your house. You are paying for it and you bought it with your own money. I can't just barge in here and take over." I looked up at Jaime with my puppy dog eyes. He started to laugh at me.

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