Chapter Twenty Four

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I looked at Vic with eyes of wonder. I was scared, but excited. What was he going to tell me? I didn't want him to tell me that we shouldn't be friends anymore. I wanted him to say that everything was going to be okay and we could be best friends again. He dropped his crossed arms and smiled slightly as if this silence was amusing to him.

"I don't really know what is going on between us, but we need to talk it out." Vic stroked his long hair. I nodded in agreement. It's not like Vic and I haven't talked these past few months, but we haven't talked like best friends. It has been awkward.

"Listen," Vic sat down next to me, "I don't like this whole ignoring thing. I know it's partially my fault, but I don't like it. I get I overreacted when I found out you were hooking up with Mike, but I have a reason behind it." Vic paused.

"We all have reasons behind things Vic, but overreacting is an understatement. Sure, you ignored me to an extent, but you completely ignored your brother. You didn't say one word to him after you found out that we hooked up," I didn't want to fight with Vic, but the way he treated Mike after all this was plain rude.

"I know Maybell. I know ignoring him won't get me anywhere. I know ignoring him won't fix all our issues, but he has something I don't. He has you," Vic looked me straight in the eyes. I didn't know if I should have been blushing or frowning. That was a sweet comment, but Vic knew I was here for him through thick and thin.

"Vic," I put a hand on his chest, "I'm here for you. I will be until the day I die. No matter how much we fight, I will be here. You have me."

"Not the way I want too," Vic whispered and I'm assuming he didn't want me to hear because he smiled at me. I kept my hand on his chest and smiled back up to him trying to forget what he just said.

Vic pulled me closer to him and I kept looking up at him with the sudden urge to kiss him. His lips just looked so perfect in the lighting. I leaned up and he leaned down and our lips met. I wrapped my arm around his neck not really sure what I was doing. He was dating Cara. I wasn't helping their relationship right now.

We kissed for a few more seconds before I reluctantly pulled away. I didn't want to get intimate while he had a girlfriend and I had Mike. Mike wasn't my boyfriend, but I still loved him. I still had a lot of feelings for that boy. It wasn't just sex anymore.

"Why did you pull away?" Vic looked at me with pain and curiosity. It was like he had forgotten about Cara.

"Cara stupid," I grinned at him. I couldn't help but smile until he looked at the ground in pain. I felt bad now. I should have just pushed him off when it happened. I shouldn't have kept kissing Vic. Vic looked up at me and grabbed me by the waist.

"I'm sorry Cara," he whispered before kissing me again. I don't know why, but I didn't push away. I kissed him like there was no tomorrow and nothing else mattered. We kissed for a while before Vic pulled away for air.

"I love Cara, I truly do, but kissing you is different. It's like, it's like nothing else exists. I don't know what I'm saying. Please don't let anyone find out about this. I didn't mean for it to happen. I mean of course I did, but I don't want anyone to get hurt," Vic started to pace around the room.

"Vic calm down. You know I wouldn't tell anyone and I shouldn't have tried to kiss you. This is my fault as well. Let's just get some sleep," I stopped Vic and looked up at him with my puppy eyes. He always fell for them.

"Alright," Vic led me to his room and for the first time in months, I would be sleeping with him. I was leaving Mike for a night, but it was worth it. I missed Vic's strong grasp around me as if something was going to grab me and lead me away.

After cuddling up in bed, Vic and I finally started drifting off.

"Never leave me again." Vic whispered in my ear before falling asleep. I felt myself grinning as I fell asleep myself. Vic wouldn't have to worry about me leaving again. I wouldn't be able to bring myself to leave this boy again.


"Morning sunshine," I poked Vic slightly. He groaned and turned to the other side. I decided to leave him considering how tired he had been looking recently. I felt bad for him. The stress of the new album was getting to him. Now that he had fans, he felt like he had to focus everything on music. He deserved time to himself.

I left him lying in the bed and went to the kitchen. I made sure that Mike wasn't there because I didn't want him to be mad at me for not showing up last night. I knew Mike wanted to cuddle, but I needed Vic time.

"Are you and Vic okay?" Tony sat down at the table. I nodded and Tony smiled.

"Finally. It was so depressing around the house without you two being all flirty and stuff," Tony punched my arm slightly. I wanted to tell Tony about our kiss, but I would be lying to Vic and that would be bad. I decided to just leave it.

"I agree, but we don't flirt. He has a girlfriend and I have Mike," I said in a 'duh' tone. It was weird to think that Vic had a girlfriend considering sixteen of the twenty one years I had known him, he was single.

"Still, you kids flirt up a storm. All of us thought that Vic was going to ask you out, but that never happened. I don't think it would have worked out anyways. You two are too close to date. It's like dating your own brother. Jaime on the other hand thinks you are a match made in heaven," Tony chuckled to himself. I would have said 'Ally and Jaime are a match made in heaven' if it was to anyone except Tony.

"It's just our personalities. We flirt because that's who we are. I'm generally a big flirt anyways. I don't know about you, but I'm starving." I changed the subject. I was done talking about Vic and my flirting habits. I grabbed a box of Fruity Pebbles and poured myself a bowl. Tony was eating some vegan breakfast. I still don't know how he did it. Vegan food just plain smelled disgusting, more or less tasted disgusting.

"Can I tell you something," Tony munched on his vegan eggs. I didn't answer at first. I wanted to sit down first.

"Alright tell me," I sat down with my fruity pebbles and prepared myself for whatever Tony was going to tell me.

"I saw you kiss Vic."

A/N- dun dun dun!!!! Sorry for not updating D: I just got so so so so busy. Don't hate me

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