Chapter Twenty Six

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A/N- the idea that this fanfic is only a few chapters away from the end (THERE WILL BE A SEQUAL) kind of breaks my heart. I might make it longer, but we will see


I felt a tight arm squeeze around and guilt over took my heart. I had just made up with Vic, but decided to sleep with Mike. After our little adventure yesterday, it just felt wrong not sleeping next to him. I looked at the clock on the side table and it read 9AM.

I pushed Mike's arm out of the way and walked into the kitchen slowly. No one was awake yet. I let go of the air I seemed to be holding in my cheeks. I guess I was nervous. I didn't want Tony to bash on me for not sleeping with Mike. Or for anything that had to do with Mike.

I walked in the guest room and changed into a black tank top and some white jean shorts. It was supposed to be hot out today and I didn't feel like wearing my normal band top. It was time to mix things up for once.

"Well," I heard Jaime talking, "There could be more in space then the bottom of the ocean."

"Are you kidding? We know more about space then we know about the ocean. I mean come on, the ocean is right next to us. Anyone can go swim in the ocean. Now space, that's a whole different story. No one except space people can go up there." I heard Ally argue. I forgot to mention, Ally pretty much lives with us now. She is always here.

"There are parts of the galaxy we haven't seen," Jaime groaned. I could hear Ally lightly mimick him. I laughed to myself. They were an adorable couple and it was really cute the way the argued. There was never a real argument between them. The longest they fought was twenty minutes and that was over who ate the last slice of pizza.

"Morning guys," I heard Vic enter the room. It was weird, hearing the whole conversation.

"Where's Maybells?" Jaime asked.

"I don't know," I could hear the pain in Vic's voice, "She never showed last night. I heard her and Mike hung out all day, so she is probably sleeping with Mike." I was by the door now trying to listen the best I could.

"I'm sorry bro," Jaime said in a low voice, "I know you don't like when she sleeps with Mike." I felt bad now. Vic and I had made up and i already hurt him. How could he ever trust me again? I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't.

"It's fine. I'm meeting up with Cara today. I think it's time. I feel bad for only telling you two, but I know May and Tony would flip on me." Vic whispered, not too quietly. I felt my stomach drop. Vic was going to propose and he didn't tell me. I don't know if I was jealous or angry with Vic or both, but a tear slipped down my face.

I was Vic's best friend and he was supposed to tell me everything. I may have tried to convince Vic to wait a little longer before proposing considering the two had only been dating for three months, but I would have supported him. I don't know considering the relationship would have gone downhill from there, but it didn't matter. I was supposed to support him through everything. I fell against the door and let tears slide down my face.

"Maybe you should tell them before you leave. What will happen when Maybells finds out? I mean, i know you only made up yesterday, but she's your best friend." Jaime started to walk around. I couldn't tell where he was going, but he was coming close. I backed around from the door so he wouldn't hear me crying.

"I don't know. I feel like she will stop me from doing it." Vic said awkwardly. Jaime was approaching and if I didn't know better he was going to open that door. I backed up against the wall not really sure what to do.

"Fuck man, I would tell here," Jaime opened the door and looked at me. My eyes widened and I quickly wiped the tears. Jaime's mouth opened like he was going to say something, but no words came out. I stood up and ran past him not saying anything.

I looked at Vic with tears streaming down my face.

"What a great best friend you are," I spat at him before running out of the house.


"How'd you know I'd be here?" I took another sip of coffee and looked at the table. It had been an hour since I ran off and I didn't know where to go, so I went to a local diner.

"I know you May." Tony put his hand on my arm. I didn't pull away like I would have if I had energy. All my energy went out the door when I realized what just happened. I lost my best friend for a second time.

"Did you tell the other boys where I went? They've been calling for an hour," I rubbed my eyes.

"No, I think we should just have a ‘you and me’ conversation. They are going crazy though and will soon figure out you are here. I told them I would look here and if all of a sudden I'm not calling or answering, they will figure it out." Tony told me.

"I figured," I sniffled. The people at the diner kept giving me free coffee because I was sitting here alone and sad. When I started crying, they sent an employee over to comfort me. They didn't do much though. They handed me coffee and said to keep my head up.

"Why did you run away?" Tony looked at me with questioning eyes.

"I was changing in my room and then all of a sudden I heard Vic and Jaime talking about Vic's secret plans with Cara. He said he didn't tell us because we might try and stop him. He was going to propose Tony, and he didn't tell us." I felt tears forming in my eyes again. That bastard.

"Maybe he had a good reason for not telling us," Tony said.

"Like what? Tony I'm his goddamn best friend and from the looks of it, he doesn't want to be my best friend anymore." I slammed my hand down on the table.

"Did he specifically say, I'm going to propose?’ What if he was going to take her to a carnival?" Tony stayed calm through all of this. I didn't know how, but he did. Tony always stayed calm through situations like these.

"Why couldn't he tell me that he was going to invite her to a carnival?" I looked at Tony. Tony was already looking at me.

"They texted me," Tony didn't look away. We looked at each other for a few more seconds before Tony glanced at his phone.

"They are going to be here any minute. If you want to get anything else out, I suggest you do it now." Tony looked at me again. I had a plan and that plan was going to go into action as soon as Vic walked into this diner.

We sat there for a few more minutes before I heard the bell. They were coming. I felt my whole body tense up. I needed to do it before it became too late. I glanced over to see them walking towards us. Vic and Jaime were there.

Before I could rethink anything, I grabbed Tony's face and kissed him. It was only for a few seconds before I pulled away. If Vic wanted to have secret romances, I could too. I felt bad for playing Tony, but he would understand later.

"I was breaking up with her," Vic whispered.


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