Chapter Twenty Seven

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A/N- warning: sad ass chapter. This chapter is going to have so many feels. Anways, I just wanted to tell you that this is the only chapter written in different POVs just because I needed too. It was impossible to write it all in May's POV.


"I was breaking up with her," kept repeating in my head. I couldn't take my eyes of Vic and I couldn't take the guilt off my heart. I looked at Tony who seemed pissed at me. I felt my heart break from that a well. Tony was my only good friend at the moment and I didn't want to lose him because of a stupid kiss.

"What the fuck just happened?" I heard a voice take over the restaurant. It was the one I thought wasn't here. It was Michael Christopher Fuentes. The man I had fallen for these past few months. I looked at Mike with fear. He was steaming.

"Mike, it's not what it looks like," I said calmly. He stormed over to Tony and grabbed his shirt. Tony was not as strong as Mike and didn't seem like he was putting up much of a fight. He looked scared out of his mind though.

"Listen here," Mike spat in his face, "You kissed her. I fucking saw it. You kissed her. I already have to deal with Vic, I don't want to have to deal with you too." Mike's eye twitched. I looked over at Vic who still seemed heartbroken over the whole situation. I looked at Jaime who was clenching his fists.

"Don't talk to him like that you idiot! She kissed him! Maybell kissed him!" Jaime pulled Mike away before he did anything he regretted. Mike looked at me with the same eyes Vic had on. Heart broken. They had the same heartbroken eyes and they were the saddest ones I had ever seen.

"Stop it," I looked the other way, "Stop looking at me." I felt a tear go down my face. What had I done? I had lost the two men who cared about me the most. I didn't hear a response so I turned around. Mike and Jaime were both walking towards the exit.

"I fell for you Maybell. I fell for you so hard. I have loved you this whole time, but god dammit Maybell, you are so oblivious. Or maybe you knew and pushed it away. I wrote a song for you while we weren't talking." Vic looked at me with pain in his eyes. I didn't know it was possible to feel this guilty. Of course Vic liked me. Of course I knew it. I just decided to put it in the farthest area of my brain.

Vic took my silence as an answer and pulled out a sheet of paper.

"My love for you was bulletproof, but you’re the one who shot me," by the end of the line Vic had a tear coming down the side of his cheek. I shook my head. Vic didn't cry. The sight of him, and because of me, made me break inside and out. I felt my cheeks get soaked and realized I was bawling.

"Vic," I started, but he was already heading out of the diner. I looked around to see everyone pointing and looking at me. I looked like a complete mess and Tony was just staring off into space.

"I'm sorry Tony," I started. If I couldn't make things right with the other boys, I would with him. Tony always had my back, didn't he?

"Can it," Tony stood up, "I'm done Maybell. You always have to act. You can never sit down and listen. You can't express your thoughts through words. You don't care for what others have to say. If you waited ten more seconds, none of this would have happened. If you had told Vic about Mike, I bet he wouldn't have cared as much. I can't do this anymore Maybell. I'm done," Tony stood up and walked out.

Everyone was gone.

***Ally's POV***

I drove home from visiting my brother. I was excited to see Jaime and tell him about my secret visit. Jaime hadn't met my brother yet and since he was in town, I wanted to invite him over for dinner tonight.

I got to the driveway to see the cars were gone. Well, Mike's car was gone and that was the car they always used when they went out together. I didn't want to be home alone, but I guess that's what was going to happen. The last thing I remembered was May running out of the house. I felt bad for her. She had taken the whole conversation the wrong way.

"Anyone home?" I called and the house echoed. I sighed and sat on the couch. I cuddled up with a blanket and turned on the TV not really sure what to do. I just wanted my boyfriend to get home soon.

"Ally? Where have you been?" I heard Jaime walk in the house. I sighed in relief. I was so happy he was home. I couldn't wait for Jaime to meet my brother. I knew they would get along.

"I was with someone special," I grinned at him. He didn't grin back. He looked at me with a blank stare. He seemed very angry. I felt my grin fade.

"The fuck Ally. You cheating on me? You cheating on me, huh?" Jaime got all up in my face. He wasn't joking either. His face was grim and his voice was serious. I hadn't seen this Jaime yet. The serious Jaime.

"Jaime, I'm not cheating on you," I whispered feeling fear take over. What if Jaime did something he regretted? Like get so angry that he hit me?

"That's what all cheaters say," Jaime spat at me. I felt my whole body break. Jaime never treated me like this. He was normally a sweetheart who would never say these words to me. I couldn't take it.

"Jaime it was my brother. My fucking brother. I wanted to surprise you and all that, but obviously you don't trust me enough," I grabbed my bag and headed towards the door.

"Wait," Jaime grabbed my shoulder.

"I need space," I didn't turn. I just pulled my shoulder away and walked out the door.

***Tony's POV***

I swung on the swing thinking about what just happened. She kissed me and all my friends hated me for it. I was pissed. I was so pissed. Everyone was pissed. I didn't get pissed easily, but I was really pissed this time.

No one was at the park considering it was cloudy out. It wasn't raining, but it would soon. I didn't care though. I didn't want to go home. I just wanted to swing all day long.

"Tony?" I heard someone call my name. I turned to see a very distressed Ally walking towards me. I blushed considering I still had the biggest crush on her. I don't think I would get over this girl anytime soon. I hadn't the whole time her and Jaime had been a 'thing.'

"Hey Ally," I waved and motioned her to take a seat on an empty swing. She sat down next to me.

"So, apparently Jaime doesn't trust me," I felt my heart break even more than it already was when she said that.

"What happened?" I bit my lip ready to punch Jaime really hard.

"He walked in all angry and I was going to introduce him to my brother tonight and he got all angry because I didn't tell him it was my brother," Ally sighed. How could you not trust Ally? She was the least likely person in the world to cheat.

"I'm sorry," I wanted to slap myself for saying that. It was a stupid comment.

"We just need some space," Ally started to swing on the swings. I felt my heart lighten a bit. Did that mean they broke up for a little? That could be my chance. I could swoop in and save her.

"You know Ally, I would never not trust you," I felt a wave of confidence come over me. It was going to happen. I was going to win Ally over.

"That means a lot Tony," Ally laughed slightly.

"I would treat you right and it would be great," I grinned.

"Look Tony, I still love Jaime. We just need some space. He was heated and I made a mistake. It happens. I love you as a brother. I just don't see us being anything more," Ally smiled sincerely. All the confidence in me left.

"Oh I see."

A/N- THE FEELS ARE SO REAL. Oh and longer chapter :D oh my gosh this story is ending and its so sad D:

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