Chapter 3

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The first thing I noticed when I woke up is that I was on something soft and cushiony. The second is that I was restrained. The room I was in had stark white walls with a single window and door. I couldn't get out of the bed to see what was outside the window so that did me no good other than to tell me that it was day time. There was an IV in my arm I guess to give me the nutrients that I had missed out on while I had no food. I tried to stay awake for as long as possible but soon sleep pulled me under once again.

The next time I wake up I'm in a different room that the only furniture is a table and chair, both made out of metal. The chair I was sitting in was very uncomfortable but I felt more awake than the last time I woke up. It looked as though the purpose of the room was to intimidate a person as there was what appeared to be a one-way glass window to look into the room through.

Soon a man came into the room and just stood there looking at me. He started speaking in a language I didn't know. He went through many languages, some I knew, like French, others I didn't, like maybe Iranian (I didn't understand or have any idea, just a guess), until he spoke in English. He asked my name but I still stayed quiet like I had through the languages, unsure what he wanted and if he could be trusted with any information about me, based on the fact that the room wasn't nice and cozy. "You can tell me about yourself or I can take your fingerprints and find out who you are that way," the man tells me and yet I still stayed quiet. "Have it your way then." He left the room for a moment and came back in with a sheet of paper and an ink pad. "Give me your left hand." I didn't resistor do what he asked only sat there and then he proceeded to push one finger at a time to the ink and then to the paper. He did this to all my fingers on my left hand then took my right and did the same with it. When he was done he handed me a wipe, which I didn't notice he had brought in until he gave it to me, then left the room.

Not knowing that there was someone on the other side of the glass, I mistakenly asked myself "What have I gotten myself into?" in Appilachian, my native language. The person heard and understood what I was saying and told the man to start the search with people from Appilachia and then branch out to other countries.

The man was gone for what felt like a couple hours and when he came back, he brought a glass of what looked like water but when it moved around in the glass it moved slower than what water should have. I could tell that they were trying to get my DNA and I could take a guess that the liquid in the glass is a sedative. Instead of drinking whatever was in the glass, I sign to him, "Take a DNA swab if you want but I won't drink whatever is in the glass." He seemed surprised at first, then had me spit in a vial. The man took the vial and as he was grabbing it, I felt a pinch on my arm, and I was out.

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