Chapter 11

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Rebecca continues going to her dance class for about a month without any of the teachers finding out. One of the boys from Zach's unit escorts her to every dance class.

Rebecca's POV

Dance is an escape for me. I'm able to express myself, and the best part is that no one knows that I'm a princess. My Jazz class is also a way for me to take up extra time.

I have sooo much free time. The teachers and counselors won't let me take all the classes that the boys take, so my schedule is practically 'entertain yourself'. I think it has to do with the fact that I'm a girl and a princess, that they think I won't be able to keep up or that I will get hurt.

To fill up some more time, I think I'm going to sign up for some more dance classes as they won't let me take more than the regular classes. My Jazz class is on Thursdays for an hour and, to start, I'm going to add ballet on Mondays for an hour and a half. I think I'm going to keep on adding dance classes until someone does something about it, then I'll stick with that number of classes.

Time Skip One Month

No one has said something to me about my dance classes yet, so I'm going to add Hip Hop on Fridays for an hour. More time away from the Blackthorne compound, and less time twiddling my thumbs as the classes they have me in don't challenge me. I wonder when they will figure out that I need a more challenging course load so I don't try to get into trouble.

I think the boys are slightly worried about me adding dance classes to my schedule as they don't want to get into trouble with the teachers. They escort me to all my dance classes, mostly because I'm a princess and they don't feel comfortable with me leaving the safety of the Blackthorne compound by myself.

Time Skip Two Weeks

Apparently the activities of a princess aren't that important to the teachers of Blackthorne as they haven't paid attention to what I've been doing. They haven't noticed that I leave the compound three days a week, and it's been three months since I have started dance classes, even though at the beginning it was only once a week.

I kind of want to see what it will take for them to pay attention to what I'm doing. My guess is that they will notice that one of their boys is disappearing each day for a few hours to take me to class before they notice that I leave the compound each day. I'm going to add another ballet class on Wednesday for an hour and a half and see if that catches their attention, otherwise I'm going to join one more dance class and if that doesn't do it then I'm going to try sneaking into one of their 'special' classes.

Time Skip Two Weeks

They STILL haven't noticed that I leave FOUR days a week for more than an hour each day, because of travel time plus class time. The good news is that I now get to take a Ballroom Dancing class. It's a class that I will probably need when I decide to go back to my home country, especially with how many balls I have heard Royals throw. It's also for two hours on Tuesdays. With the timing of the class if we are late getting out, we will be late to a class at Blackthorne.

By signing up for the Ballroom Dancing class I will have a dance class Monday thru Friday for an hour to two hours.

I really think that the thing that will get my leaving noticed will be if we, my escort and I, are late getting back from dance and are late to class.

Time Skip One Week

This is just great, my Ballroom dancing class let out five minutes late and now we are going to be late getting back to the compound and to class. I guess my wish that they would pay attention to what I'm doing is about to true.

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