C H A P T E R 2

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What a surprise for Eraserhead to bring in a child.

After a brief explanation, he put Asuna in my care. As instructed, I took her straight to the teacher's lounge, where we had our personal quarters. Asuna was a very obedient girl, despite on how shy she was when she first saw me. But after Aizawa spoke to her, it was as if I was her best friend.

First, I carefully stripped the molded medical gown off and gently brushed out the rats' nests all in her extraordinary white hair. Once I was done, she got into the shower where I smoothly scrubbed two layers of soap and gel on her fragile body. I made sure to get every nook and cranny. Next, I lathered all her hair into a soapy pile, rinsed it, and shampooed it again. That's when I noticed her back.

Aizawa had told me he had taken Asuna to Recovery Girl, so when I saw the multiple white scars scattered across her shoulder blades and lower back, I could only imagine what they looked like before...

After I rinsed out the conditioner and washed her face and ears, I turned the water off and dried Asuna down. She was a very happy girl, as if today was the happiest day of her life, and I could believe that.

I pulled out a XS student uniform for her to wear, but then remembered what Aizawa said.

"She will make you that princess I promised earlier."

I groaned to myself.

Why Aizawa? Why?

I rummaged through some drawers and found soft fabric they use to design costumes for the students. Cutting out three holes for the head and arms, I slipped it on Asuna and then tied a big bright bow around her tiny waist. Lastly, I tied her now-soft flowing locks into loose pigtails.

"There! Now you are a princess!" I exclaimed, both of us looking at her transformation in the full-body mirror.

The whole time Asuna didn't say much, but now she was hugging my waist, chanting, "Thank you! Thank you!"

"Come on," I smiled and offering her my hand. "Let's go find Mr. Aizawa and show him the princess you are."

Asuna gratefully took my hand and we began our search to find Eraserhead.


Aizawa found All Might in his Weak Form in the Top Floor Teacher's Lounge. Also in the room, was the Principal and several more pro-heros, like Cementoss.

Great, they are already holding a meeting. And here I thought I could get some alone time with All Might.

"Aizawa! Just in time!" The Principal exclaimed cheerfully. "I was just about to send someone to go find you!" He glanced past Aizawa. "Where is the girl?"

"Midnight is cleaning her up. She was in rough shape."

"Understandable. Would you care to share the details of the situation? After all, you were the one who save the poor thing."

"Certainly, Principal." Aizawa replied and took a seat at the long table next to All Might. A second later, Thirteen entered with Asuna's old medical gown. "Midnight gave this to me as evidence."

"Very good!" the Principal clapped his hands together. "Everyone is here! What can you tell us from the gown?"

"There is a tag on the front. It's faded, but it reads 'AK-821'. It must be the subject name of the girl."

"I see, so there must be other subjects." The Principal rubbed his chin, troubled. "This is a discovery."

"I'm sorry for interrupting," Aizawa spoke up. "but what discovery? What did I miss when I was treating her?"

The Principal sighed as his and Thirteen's gazes met. "Recovery Girl had taken a small blood sample to run some tests and found traces of not one, not two...but four other DNA strands within hers."

"It seems to be that AK-8—"

"Asuna." Aizawa interruptted again.

The room went silent and all eyes fell on him. Aizawa fidgetted slightly in his seat from the sudden attention. "It's the name I gave her instead of calling her by 'subject' name."

"Very well." Thirteen nodded. "As I was saying, Asuna seems to be a very successful experiment of sorts of which DNA from different people were injected into her body to possibly give her multiple quirks."

"Multiple quirks..." All Might repeated. "How cruel..."

"Aizawa," The Principal turned to the quiet hero. "Did the girl perform any sort of quirk when you saved her?"

Aizawa shook his head. "Asuna was tramatized and frozen when I saved her. Those men I beat were most likely part whatever organization that did that to her. With so many quirks, I shocked now that she didn't explode under the pressure..."

"As we are." Thirteen agreed. "There are a lot of questions we need to ask the girl, but I'm certain she won't want to talk about her past." Everyone nodded in agreement. Thirteen sighed. "I will speak with her first. I feel like she will warm up to me and tell me what we need to know."

Aizawa shook his head. "I don't think it's a good idea to interrogate a 10-year-old girl who has just escaped from an unknown Hell. Just leave Asuna alone and I'm sure you'll get your answers sooner or later."

"Eraserhead," The Principal eyed him from across the table. "This organization that has experimented and succeeded on transferring multiple quirks into one body must be stopped. It is an unnatural art of science that is not tolerable." Aizawa glanced over to All Might, who have been quiet most of the discussion. All Might met his eyes for a moment before clearing his throat.

"I agree with Aizawa." he said bluntly. "Give the girl a break. She's been through so much already: things we can't even imagine."

"I wonder what kind of quirks she has acquired..." Present Mike spoke for the first time.

Silence filled the room.

The Girl With Many Quirks: Lucky StarWhere stories live. Discover now