3 | The Terrible Idea

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The Last Of The Real Ones ~ Fall Out Boy

   "Tell me again why I agreed to do this" Amy moans at me as I try to lower her from the window in my room. Amy's hands were intertwined with mine as I lowered her down, clutching on for her life.

    "Oh wait, I didn't...." She continues to mumble to herself as she reaches just above my front garden.

"I'd totally drop her if I was you." Em jokes, causing me to chuckle lightly. For a second I thought about it, but it would've been a really horrible thing to do, and I'd never intentionally hurt someone that I loved.

I was lowering her down by the hands because for my age I was pretty strong. I was also quite tall, Easily hitting 5"11. While Em was 5"7 and little Amy was 5"1 and a half. Emphasis on a half, apparently it made her feel better about being short.

My dark hair was hitting Amy in the face because it was so long and she didn't look happy about it one bit. She had her bottom lip slouched out and was making strange faces as my black hair seemed to enter her mouth at moments. I should've tied it up beforehand.

Well, this went according to plan.

"Amy...I'm going to have to drop you a decent distance." I'm forced to announce, immediately hearing Em's snickers from behind me.

"Dont. You. Dare." She replies, looking up at me with her big green eyes.

"Yeah, you're at the lowest I can get you...I can't lower you anymore." I found myself laughing slightly at the fact that she was just dangling outside my window, holding onto me as tightly as she could.

"Don't you dare drop me!" Amy shouts up at me and Em, I felt so terrible, I didn't have a choice.

Imagine this, if she was the same height as me she wouldn't have as far to drop...but she was relatively small and I couldn't exactly pull her back up. That would be no fun.

Without even thinking, I loose my grip on her hands and she tumbles down what must've only been a metre. Abruptly she falls onto her legs but takes such a impact that she falls backwards onto her back, landing on my overgrown grass.

"Yo! You dead?" Em asks her, laughing like a child, all of us had one cup of alcohol too much.

Amy looks at me with her green eyes as her ginger hair scatters around her face. I can't help it laugh, softly at first, but it quickly becomes very thunderous as her whole chest rises quickly and her head whips backwards to deal with how heavily she was laughing.

"You're such a bitch." She mumbles between her laughter, rolling around in the grass.

Em then pushes me out of view to respond to her hilarious comment.

"Love you too!" She wheezes, causing me to giggle aswell at their meaningless comments to each other. We all would occasionally call each other the stupidity of names, but none of us would take it too seriously.

"Amy? Can you like...move though?" Em shouts at her from the window, her uncaring facade being dropped.

"Yeah, I'm good!" She shouts up, "just enjoying the view!" She continues, following it with a solid thumbs up.

"How kind of you!" I yell back down to her, wondering if she would pick up on what I meant.

Then again it was Amy, she probably didn't even know which planet we were on.

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