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Well....here we are. We made it.

How'd you guys think the ending was? I personally thought it was all rushed and horrible but if you guys enjoyed it let me know!

I'm still in shock that we even made it here, I originally wrote this book because I was looking to read something similar, but I feel like with werewolf books the majority of them (No hate) are about a female lead that is stolen by just a straight up crappy guy, who murders and is horrible to her, but it's all okay because their mates and in the end they have like 2 kids and live happily ever after. He's also the alpha of a very scary pack, or she's mute - or he's mute/ deaf. Sound familiar?

I'm sorry, but I got fed up reading the same story with different characters and names.

Henceforth, "DarkFall" was created! Originally only planning to be about a princess taking back her kingdom. It became so, so much more. I know it does have its fair share of Cliches I it,

I originally wrote the first 10 chapters of this book in a week, (no idea how I did it) I was on holiday at the time and was feeling extremely inspired by the books below:

*Catching Genesis
* The Alexandra Diaries
* Dripping Mascara
* Stay Or Run
* Alphas
    *The Hollow Ball

This book went through so many changes, and although I did plan out the chapters, I was in love with the fact that I was getting ideas and adding them in along the way, only fixing plot details when I edited the book the second time. (Still needs a lot of work though)

But I couldn't be happier with how I wrote this book, and how it turned out. For those who are upset about Em, I'm sorry! But it was planned from very early on, after all her job was to keep Cece safe, and in the end I felt it was the best thing to do.


Wow, there's a lot of changes I went through with, so I'll start as early on as I can.

* Amy wasn't going to die, I was going to just keep her out of the picture and hope you guys would forget about her lol, but I felt I needed to do something with her character. #AmyDeservedBetter

* Jay wasn't supposed to be such a main character, but after writing his sense of humour I sort of fell in love with him. He was originally going to get together with Em, but I decided that there's someone else that's been mentioned he might enjoy getting to know. He also wasn't going to be introduced until the wedding, as she was literally walking down the isle, but I wanted another character to fall in love with, so therefore, Jay was created several chapters early.

*laughs sinisterly to self*

* Cece wasn't going to die, but I wanted mess with my readers feelings for a chapter or so. I wanted her to come back, but I knew I would need a sacrifice in order to do so. It would ruin the whole feel in general. One of the most annoying cliches is characters dying and then coming back.

* Saorsa wasn't meant to be a large character either, but I needed a good female lead to involve that had plenty of room for growth. And I was so excited to use her in order to introduce you to the Batail Wolves! You've met her two main love interests for her book.... Can you guess who they are?

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